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Today is my 48th. I'm happy 47 is over and excited for this new year ❤ I spent the day at Mt Rainer, a "largest flea market" and some dam (can't remember the name, lol) with my two teenage boys. Such a beautiful day!

I made a birthday hat... My name means as sweet as honey from the honey bee but I painted the bee with attitude because I intend to kick ass this year!

(I may or may not be a little bit drunk in this pic. 😉 )

pepperjones 8 Sep 3

Enjoy being online again!

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Happy Birthday!!


Happy day, PJ! Enjoy each one as much as you can, cuz from here on out the years just fly by. Especially cherish the time with your boys, and don't forget my foolproof birthday formula: cake and alcohol. ???


Happy Birthday


Happy Birthday!!!


Happy birthday !

Ohub Level 7 Sep 4, 2018

@pepperjones Hmm. "Happy forty-eight! It will be great! It's ok to show up late!" Ok - that is my poetry skills, applied to a birthday (cough!)


Happy birthday! that's the perfect age be... aka.. what's not the perfect age be! 😉


Happy birthday!!!


Happy, happy birthday baby......?...and many more! ?????????????You're the best.


I think a birthday hug is in order. Happy Birthday Pepper and thank you for being you!


? Happy birthday pepper?


Happy belated Birthday wishes! Looking good! ?


Oh my time zones confused..enjoy the rest of the day princess! ?


That's ok about the pic. I'm a little drink looking at it

@pepperjones you raised him right, knowing when to drive his drunk mom home


Happy Birthday! ?????
You don’t look 48 at all... I would have guessed late 30s


Happy Birthday

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