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It seems very apparent to me Trumpublicans have engineered the government shutdown to energize their base using reasonless fear of immigrants and Fox News in a hitleresqe propaganda campaign. Am I wrong?

jeffy 7 Jan 21

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IT may be WORSE than that?!


You give Trump too much credit. He is not capable of forming real plans or strategies.


My mother has been watching faux news all day and she is now in a very confused agitated state. Fox doing what fox does best.


I must have missed the whole democrat debacle that swore to shut down the government if Trump didn't address DACA. He responded in kind:" give me something to sign and I'll sign it". They allegedly whined like spoiled children. All they had to do was submit a plan for DACA. No plan was given to Trump by the Dems. Trump said:"hokey dokey", and submitted his own. Trust the democrats? Not a chance in hell. The democrats did nothing. At all.

I think there have been several discussions with Trump about DACA - at first he says OK, then he changes his mind. That is what this is about. Getting a firm commitment to address the issue. Those under DACA rule have no path to citizenship contrary to the propaganda I've seen. It is running out for them and they are being deported daily for no reason as far as I can see. They are as American as you are as far as I am concerned.

I was born here. They are not "as American". Truly beside the point.

You missed the interview with Lindsey Graham 🌈, I see! One of the people who brought the plan to trump!!


No sir, you are spot on! Trump is a moron and con man. I and my husband are hopeful that Mueller will take the rotten bastard down! He is a horror for this Country and the World. The people he put into his cabinet have done so much damage to our Government already. I am hopeful that the 2018 mid terms will get rid of as many repubs as possible, then we can hopefully hold Trump accountable!


No, you are not wrong. I also think the right wing is seriously miscalculating. The "blame the filibuster" line didn't work for Democrats in '10 or '14, and it won't work for Republicans this November. They run the show now, for worse or worser.


I do not condone violence, but I am looking forward to when they start throwing shoes and tables at each other, like in other countries.

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