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I'm Agnostic.
Not an atheist...
Did you come to the right place?

Although feel free to discuss the obvious differences and similarities between the two but I don't believe in exactly what atheists believe...
So, when I see posts on here talking about atheism as if it's the general topic of discussion, I wonder what type of response they were expecting..?
(...and not to be a dick about it but this isn't called for a reason...and I wouldn't become a member if it existed because I don't believe in absolutely nothing.)

So how about we start from there, shall we?
⚠Agnostic or no?
⚠And why did you come here if you aren't?

FinchiMcQ 6 Sep 5

Enjoy being online again!

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I’m an Athiest,yes ,but not an Anti-theist! I respect other people’s beliefs...To a Point!


Hi Finchi, glad to see you're still active on here. Agnostic here as well.


I am an anti-theist and it has long been my contention that "absolutely nothing" is an impossibility
Nothing is the absence of everything, in the same way cold is the absence of heat and dark is the absence of light.
Cold is only a descriptive concept, as is dark, they don't actually exist, likewise nothing is simply the description of an absence it cannot exist in and as of itself it is just a concept.
Reality "is" we measure it with our perceptions, and evaluate those perceptions with our conscious thoughts so at the absolute minimum there is awareness of thought, therefore there is not "nothing".
If there are things outside of our perception, or even technologically augmented perception they are irrelevant to us as neither we nor they can impact of the other at all ans so might as well not exist.
In to this category falls god or gods, things outside of the realm of perception and interaction, with no method of being measured, observed or assessed that even should they hypothetically exist are of no use, benefit or relevance to reality.

If nothing can affect us outside of our perception..then why even exist in the first place?

@FinchiMcQ It is my belief that the anthropic principle means that sentient life and reality are inherently connected and mutually inseparable.


Nit picking. We are here because we need a refuge from the bible bangers. Atheist or agnostic is not the question. Freedom from religion is & I am here for that reason. All degrees of non belief or the questioning of belief is welcome in this atmosphere free of the majority of mystics which dominate the world.

I like your point, but pardon my I am yet to understand what an atheist believes or lack thereof...
I, myself DO believe... for I feel that the pure act of belief confirms the manifestation that there is a source beyond my human comprehension that acts according to what is or what isn't.
Do I believe there is such a thing as a supernatural force beyond my comprehension that I am apart of..?
If that doesn't fall into your mindset, then what can we build upon?

@FinchiMcQ We can build upon anything that is science based, confirmable, tangible, theoretical but not mythical. What you believe or feel does not make it so. Neither does it for us. Atheists do not believe. Agnostics need more evidence before complete confirmation of dis belief but definatly tend towards not believing.

@Countrywoman You don't get to sum up who I am because you've obviously never met me.


Big tent



Here is my other reason why I sort of agree with you. My father was a very rigid dogmatic baptist. He would argue religion within his religion. That’s kind of the way I perceive a lot of the atheist. It almost seem like a dogmatic denial of god. Forgive me if any of you think I’m wrong, I did say it was my perception.

I think you are wonderful and welcome to say whatever you please.
And thank you...for as an agnostic it's hard to relate to someone who doesn't believe.
I'm not that narcissistic to think I know everything...


Regardless of the name, I think the owner makes it clear the website is open to everybody, including theists, as long as they are reasonably well-behaved. I don't identify as agnostic or atheist, even though I believe in a literal deity maybe even less than some of them do. I just don't think true religion has ever really been about literal deities, masses of misunderstanders notwithstanding. I think it has been, and will continue to be about metaphorical deities, which are observable, and undeniable. They are the ghosts and demons of our psychology, and were all along.

skado Level 9 Sep 6, 2018

I thank you for your feedback... which makes me happy to converse with people who are ballsy enough to go beyond societal indocrination to dwell within realms they are yet to understand..


So the problem is with people not understanding a provisional position. I have yet to see an objective way to separate religious claims from fiction. Because of this, I do not believe. I am atheist to these claims. Were there a more convincing claim, I would not stubbornly refuse to believe. That is logically honest and where we would honestly prefer everyone to be.


I’m kind of with you. I’m agnostic not atheist. I think it also allows for a little more leeway, as I do see some statistical validity with othe things. Like I’ve been an amateur astrologer, and I’m open to several other things.

Have you read or listened to the lectures of The Great Agnostic, Robert Green Ingersoll? If you have, you may have noticed little difference between his writings and those of self-avowed atheists. One label that applies to Ingersoll, and one that I've adopted, is that of a nullifidian: one who has no faith or religious belief. Ingersoll attacked religion with a rare combination of logic, wisdom and wit, and I personally loathe organized religions.

In fairness, I would be fine with the philosophy of my avatar: Deism. A number of the Framers were Deists, who accepted that the Almighty created the universe and the laws governing it, but then promptly excused himself to move on to other things, never to be heard from. In other words, no prophets, no creeds, no miracles, no divine interventions, no stone tablets, no prayers, no faith, no holy books, no clergy, no angels, no demons ... that was Thomas Paine's view of the world, and one that I wish the majority could accept!

@pnfullifidian my hats off to you, you are a well educated in both, I’m sure. I don’t like to spend my time with religion or equally with anti religion. I’m always busy with other shit.

@Tony80223 Much better to be busy with other shit, in my view ... busy is good!


Perhaps you can expand on your uses of the words agnostic and athiest. A discussion about ideas is far more engaging than a discussion about words.


Wow! Where did you get the idea that atheists believe in "absolutely nothing?" The definition of an atheist is one without a belief in a god, or gods. But there's so much more to believe, after that. Many atheists are fond of saying that the only difference between a Christian, Jew or Muslim (for example) and them is that they disbelieve in one god more than the believer. These believers are, in one way of thinking, 99% there!

But an agnostic, on the other hand, focuses on knowledge, and most agnostics readily admit that they have no knowledge supporting the evidence for a god, and may in fact never attain such. The funny thing is, agnostics do not live their day-to-day lives much different than atheists, as both do not rely on supernatural support for their subsistence, nor do they credit or blame a deity for natural phenomena or the achievements or disasters caused by man.

I was reluctant to admit my lack of belief in a deity--troubled by the teachings from the years of my Christian upbringing. So I called myself an agnostic for years. But I eventually came to the realization that they're just two sides of the same coin. I am no less open minded now that I've embraced the label of atheist, and I hope you can come to see the validity of this point of view.

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