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What are you grateful for? Name three things.
♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥
Me? My Family. My Job. This site.
♥My daughters and grandson are in the photo.

CaroleKay 8 Sep 9

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40 comments (26 - 40)

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my family, freedom, freedom


My good health. A fun way to make a living. Time for myself to do as I please.


My daughters/family

My sense of humour


with hair like that you need a sense of humour😛

@MsDemeanour Kind of goes hand in hand really 🙂

@ipdg77 I thought it might lol


My family, who adopted me & gave me a wonderful home and life.
My careers, which have always been interesting and enjoyable.
The movies, which gave my life passion and direction.


Aristotle, Isaac Newton, and Ayn Rand. Not really things, but nouns nevertheless.


My kids, grandkids, family
My friends
My drive


The friends that stood by me in my darkest hours. All the travelling I made. The ability of not giving up even when you feel like doing it.

I like this honesty. I'm sure many of us here can relate Paddy.

@MsDemeanour, well, everyone passes for different things in life. What I passed through made me value these things. Besides, he who owes nothing fears nothing. No point not being honest.


Family, friends, nature!


My Mom, my job, and my freedom

CS60 Level 7 Sep 9, 2018

Pretty similar here - my family, my job, and health


My kids/grandkids, my cancer team, my transition team..


I'm not comfortable with being thankful or grateful in a generic way, who would I be thankful or grateful too? An indifferent Universe? I do appreciate that I have had good luck in being able to pursue my dreams and make most of them a reality but grateful? I think not.

Yeah there is a bit of a conundrum there. whom does one show their gratitude? i suppose the series of happenstance that have brought me where I am.

@Simmer51 I suppose I could be grateful to my parents and teachers who promoted a strong work ethic that led to my becoming a workaholic for 3 decades of my life but also provided me the resources to retire at 48. I could thank those who helped me along the way and those who made me stronger by trying to tear me down and rob me of everything I have built over the years but maybe they were just being true to their own desires and needs, the impact on me being merely a knock on effect.

@Surfpirate yeah I think it's a good idea to b thankful to those who helped you get where you are. Those people who helped you in a positive way and in a negative way are a good place to start. But perhaps a little self gratitude is good as well to the others thanks for the advice and to your self thanks for listening and taking out of there advice and counsel what you need.


My kids (daughter and son-in-law), my polycule, and having my creature comforts


My health. My mental and physical health. Without that I have nothing. Although my mental health isn't the greatest sometimes. I appreciate that I am able bodied and am in no physical pain and from disease.

Being in a country that is from war and oppression, although don't get me wrong - it has it's problems too.

My intelligence and rational thought. I'd like to think I think things through with reason and critical thought.


My brain, my business, and peanut butter.

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