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If you could teach everyone in the world one concept, what concept would have the biggest positive impact on humanity?

vickyvecky 3 Jan 23

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accept change


That Anthropogenic Global Warming is real and a serious threat to the state of equilibrium on the planet.


To tolerate: we know everyone thinks different and we do not agree on the conclusions reached. However there needs to be a point of understanding to learn from a person's point of view.


All we really have is each other. Play nice.


Treating their mind like a sacred tool, which would be to critical think and question everything to protect it from manipulation.


Warning: As usual, my reply is very long. But I like "thought experiments". Indulge me, if you please.

"...what concept would have the biggest positive impact on humanity..."

I have no answers. I tried to formulate a logical solution to, what I think are, the two main causes of all the problems we have experienced since we became sentient.

I think those two main causes are:
Jealousy: "those guys have more stuff, let us take those stuff for ourselves."
Selfishness: "no way we'll share our stuff with them. we need to look after ourselves."

Are there other fundamental human traits you think cause the big problems we face as a species?
Anyway, my reply will focus on these two traits.

To continue...the solutions I came up with to stop jealousy and selfishness always hit on one flaw that is inherent to us humans: we have evolved to fight for ourselves, our families, our communities, our countries. we have not evolved to fight for others.

Sure, our current level of consciousness and understanding of...everything we know right now...have tempered a good portion of humanity to be more altruistic. And our societies are a testament to that.

HOWEVER, there are still a good portion of humanity who are both jealous and selfish, right?

How do we solve THAT problem with one concept and that would have the biggest impact on solving that problem?


What that is and how that would work or how to get the different peoples to understand that concept and to allow it to happen is another question. This is just a concept after all.

I'm not talking about being non-feeling robots that only consume what we find.

I'm talking about the concept of a physical thing (maybe a super computer or whatever that super computer may evolve into)...a physical thing that would control what we do. Examples of what this thing would do are:

E.g.: Someone over there is unhappy. Find one of their good friends and send them to entertain or listen to their problems.

E.g.: That person there is not suited for working outdoors because of health issues. Replace them with someone with a stronger constitution.

E.g.: There's a single person looking for a partner. Let's find the most compatible person for them and make them meet. If that relationship doesn't work, lets find other people for them.

E.g. That person has passed their engineering test with flying colours. Get them to work for that engineering company.

E.g. That person has lost interest in doing his job. Look for another job he would not only enjoy but would develop him as a person further.

One limitation this super computer (or whatever this thing will be) must have is: It shouldn't control our emotions. It should only determine what we need to do for the betterment of others - everyone.



Being Love and ditching fear - being unafraid to be love/loved.


Treat others with full dignity and respect.




Either birth control or living off-grid/survival skills.


Algebraic manipulation.


Believe in yourself. Have faith that the love you have for you will emanate, and bring out the love in others. No hocus pocus magic of prayer of invisible friends. You entire foundation of belief starts with you


How to be empathetic-Caring about issues leads to doing something to address them-protest, rebellion, not standing for the status quo.




Critical thinking. It would solve a lot of the world's problems.


Hold their breathe , no more people to destroy the world sorry couldn’t resist


How about peace in the world?


It may sound silly, but the "Neverending Story" got this one right - I'd wish for them to have a heart.
Teaching compassion and love brings with it humility, morality, and dignity. It's the lesson that keeps teaching.


There is a saying in Hinduism.
What is the greatest wonder?
That death comes every day, yet man lives as though he were immortal.


The concept of reality. Believing in things because it feels good or for any other reason than evidence that it is true is damaging. Reality is the only way forward and the only honest way to live


be willing to admit when you are wrong, and be willing to make it right
and best of luck to you with that, lol


How to be a skeptic.... I'm so tired of explaining that just because someone made a documentary or wrote a book does not mean that it's true


You're a person.
You aren't any better or different than anyone else.
I don't care about who you fuck, how you identify your fucking, what your skin color is, what your monetary value is, or who your imaginary person in the sky is.
You're a damn person.
Stop with the bullshit semantics
And get over yourself.
Let's save the planet,
Terra-form Mars,
And get rid of the white man by interracially reproducing.


Do what u expect from others..


Cruelty, whether it be against animals or your fellow humans, is unacceptable.

SamL Level 7 Jan 23, 2018
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