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Hey Agnosticating Intelligiosos; Just wanna say how great of a time I'm having on this site. I may have mentioned before how I've never ventured into the realm of any social site, previous to this one. The music groups and Quotes sites are unbelievably fun. Thanks to those initiating posts and comments and to the repliers as well. Thanks to those who have recognized my lack of maturity at times, and for playing along. I couldn't have imagined having this good of a time. To those having a rough time, my sincere good thoughts to you. I try to remind myself that life is pretty tough on everybody, and I've certainly been at my wits end more than I care to recall. Let me know if you'd like to talk.
I'm backed up on work, so I've got to pay my dues for the next few weeks. All my best to you and yours. I'll be around. Rockin'JonnyHardball.

hardball 6 Sep 13

Enjoy being online again!

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The people here are great.


Howdy and welcome here. I also concur with the great times.


...thanks for the expression of gratitude.There
should be rough patches otherwise
we wouldn't give a sh** what we


Glad to have you among the riff raff.


Right on bra! Look forward to reading your posts! ?


Back at you, most definitely we collect on what we invest. Cheers


Thx dude 🙂 and likewise

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