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I have been to the US often on business but id really like to there on a long vacation. Trouble is your country is so darn vast and there's so much to see, to do. I want to go to the place where Cary Grant and whatsherface were climbing over images of presidents carved into the mountainside. I want to drive along the Californian coast in an open top Cadillac. I want to paddle down the Colorado river. I want to sup fine wine in the wine region in Ca. I want to fish for cod off cape cod. I want to jive down in New Orleans and ride out across the plains like the cowboys of yesteryear. And i want to visit the Lincoln Memorial too. Also the Route '66 ride in a '67 ford stallion. Gosh - so much !

Avicenna 5 Sep 14

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you're thinking of mount rushmore.

don't forget to stop in little places, too, just to see real people!



Just do one bit at a time. I went there around 8 times bteween 1987 and 1998 and spent nearly 8 months there in total. Drove coast to coast - twice! Set foot in 30 States and learned to fly a plane there. It takes a few trips but plan what you'd like to do each time.

I had a brilliant time, met some great people and saw some amazing things. I would really recommend going 🙂

@Avicenna Fuck Trump, he won't be part of your holiday, I'm sure I was there when there was another dickhead in the Whitehouse but it's not a factor.
Gun crime, use your common sense and try and a find a copy of Rough Guide to the USA. You'll be in mostly tourist areas but if you want to wander off into a dark alleyway late at night you're asking for trouble. Also ask the people who run where you're staying if there's areas to avoid.
What wall? The Mexican thing? Again not a factor.

Go and see baseball and football, eat hotdogs, drink wine in vinyards and boogie the night away in a jazz club in New Orleans, you'll be fine and you'll have a great time....I promise 🙂

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