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What is the deal about having an "emotional support animal" and taking it on planes and so?

Anyone here do that?

I saw a Trump flunky on CNN walking around with one, a dog.

Bit self-indulgent, don't you think? Or am I old school about this?

At home, like a cat or dog, I get. For me, only a cat.

Anyone thought about this?

David1955 8 Sep 16

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It's a life saver for certain people on the autism spectrum, with ptsd, or other issues. I take herbs to ease anxiety, but I can see how people who fear taking any herbs or drugs might benefit from having a comfort animal.

No reason why that animal can't be a small, portable one, though. Not some giant dog, miniature horse, or goat, etc.

Well, I'm tolerant if there is a reason and not just attention getting and affectation.


It may sound hokey but as we are social animals, pets do provide comfort for many. We had a dog that helps two autistic kids at school when they get worked up. It is also now very much abused by those who simply want to buck he system which causes more problems for those that have valid needs.

I’d worked with many autistic students with differing ‘needs.’ Some needed earmuffs, some, low light conditions, others, soothing pets.. Problem was, when their needs interfered with the needs of the vast majority. Middle Schoolers moving toward high school, were we actually preparing them for the outside world, or extending their reliance on unsustainable supports?

@JustLynnie Mine were paid for by autistic organizations. The Dogs then went o those in need.

@Varn Hopefully you were able to give them the tools they needed to be sustainable or your work was fruitless. I am glad you cared enough to be concerned about it. You are one of the good ones!

@DavidLaDeau Miss those dudes.. mostly guys. I was one of very few men in the program and suspect I made a positive lasting impression, both protecting and exposing them to the realities of life and middle school. Thanks ~

Well, I'm not Dr PHIL or anything, but surely dealing with underlying emotional and psychological issues would be a better approach than transference and dependence on an animal.

@David1955 In the cases of the autistic it is a matter of brain function not emotional or psychological issues. My dog used to wake us up in the night when my son was having seizures. Our friend was blind and had a seeing eye miniture horse, no kidding this is Colorado. There are valid applications of animal helpers and there is also those who ruin it for those that do need the help.
Sometimes service animals in the case of mental problems help people get through times of crisis until they can get the help or management they need. Mental issues should not be viewed on the same level as other issues what are crutches on other subjects are necessities in the realm of mental health in many cases.

@DavidLaDeau as I noted in another comment, I would never view harshly anyone who has a real medical or psychological problem in this context. But it does seem that there are those who have jumped on the bandwagon. As also noted elsewhere, a recent story is that US airlines are starting to be tougher on this. I must say, I've learnt quite a lot about this subject from comments to my post, including yours. Always a good thing about the site.

@David1955 We completely agree! I just hate to see thaose who do need help hurt by those who are simply taking advantage of the system. It really burns my ass as I have been involved with those who do need help. Please forgive me if I did seem too harsh! You are a great fellow with proper concerns!


This is idiocy. If you’re that freaked out to get on a plane without your llama.. you better make it a road trip. This is an excuse for pet owners to not put thier animals in cargo with the others. It gives no thought to the others flying in regards to allergies, noise, smell.. even defacation.


This is out of control where I live. The animals and all of their equipment, like strollers, are everywhere, and the owners are often rude people who let the animal do its business and don't clean it up

I don't think it has caught on here in Australia, yet. Hope it doesn't.


I agree.. Sat in the back of a Prius with a guy and his ‘emotional support dog’ while getting a ride to a political event. The dog ‘behaved,’ as best one can, but from my observations, it was just weird, maybe even attention seeking behavior on the guys part.

Hey, envision it within an elementary classroom.. The little girl needed her security dog, as the poor dog experienced sheer havoc on a regular basis, bus rides included. To me, if a person can not experience reality without the constant presence of an animal, neither should be participating in such a reality.

Varn Level 8 Sep 16, 2018

@JustLynnie And as mentioned, it’s often unfair to the animal. I worked in the classroom described, spent more time ‘rescuing the dog’ than the girl supposedly in need of it!

@JustLynnie interesting reading comments. I thought perhaps I was just old fashioned and out of date with things. Interesting the others see it as pretentious as well. I would feel just silly. And being a cat person you can hardly take an emotional support kitty around with you.

The Monty Python guys would turn this into a sketch. "This is Simon, my emotional support slug". 🙂

@David1955 I’m also pleasantly surprised at the similar responses to this question … and personally feel it’s an example of ‘far left politics’ run amok, where it’s used in a reactionary way to elect right wing extremists 😕

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