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Are there any Bill Maher fans here?

Looking4-Others 8 Sep 16

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Love Bill.. I don't have cable but I catch stuff on YouTube sometimes.


I was years ago when he was a witty dude against any form of organized religion. Then politics got in the way and, in my humble opinion, he lost his way like many others where I don't think it's cool to take sides on a open forum and even less cool to pass judgement or even attack the ones you don't agree with.


Yes, he can be a jerk at times, but I have like his work now, to most of his past career.


i like him but do not get hbo. i don't agree with every single word he utters but that's not important. i agree with him most of the time and i like him.



You bet! I've loved him for years! One of my favorite shows was Bill with Rachel Maddow guesting!


I've never been a fan of his stand up, but I watch his show with me mum every now and again.


I like to catch a little Bill Maher online during my lunch break. He shares my attention with Stephen Colbert and John Oliver. Lately, Rachel Maddow has been getting the lion's share of my meagre spare time.


Yes. I don't subscribe to HBO, but still enjoy watching clips.


I get that people like him, heck I used to, but in my opinion he's become an anti-vax & anti-science nutbar who's also a bigot toward Muslims. I no longer have anything to do with him.


Yes. He's not an asshole especially when smashing the regressive left. Usually his positions are well thought out and not just random, reactionary or impulsive. His critique of new feminism who lost their compass, of the term Islamophobia, of some left that are censoring free speech or caught up in political correctness/language torture is spot on and logical. The biggest threat western democracies are facing is from secular and liberals who have lost their minds and doing wrong policies enabling the conservative (majority or minority) forces from strengthening

kng01 Level 5 Sep 16, 2018

I’ve been watching him since his ‘Politically Incorrect’ days. I agree with him on most of his political statements and definitely his religious views. He doesn’t hold back on anyone, right or left. Love it!


Somewhat new to his show, I now seek it out. He’ll step on anyone & everyone’s toes, it’s not always funny ..but often what ‘we’ need to hear…

Varn Level 8 Sep 16, 2018

Liberal political comedian Bill Maher shared a stern message for the "liberal purists" who refused to support Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election: "Go fuck yourselves."

Right back atya, sellout.

The equivalent ‘bravery’ of proclaiming his atheism, and yet again - he was correct.. Problem is, if you’re right often enough … you’ll eventually piss off everyone ~


I am a big fan of his documentary Religulous

Watched it last night. Hadn't seen it before, surprisingly. Loved it.


I'm sure there are loads of fans of his on here. He is one of the funniest people alive.


Yeah, but he's an asshole at times when it comes to politics

Qiru Level 6 Sep 16, 2018
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