Ever wondered what i might like to be invisible? What the pros and cons would be?
One of my favorite fantasies! Of course...it means invisibility when I want it....so, I can fly in those empty first class seats, and I can prank people in wonderful ways. I could listen to conversations and enjoy giggling about them later!
One of the main cons might be being blind. Depending on how invisibility were achieved it may be that since light was bending round you or passing through you without interacting with your physical form, then your eyes wouldn't be able to interact with that light and so you wouldn't be able to see.
I wouldn’t have to work, and could pretty much do whatever I want.
@Avicenna well, no, I couldn’t bring my son back to life, but pretty much anything else I could. I guess the real issue would become integrity. Would I got kill world leaders because I don’t like their policies? I doubt it, but maybe I would break some legs. Would I ever pay for food or housing again? I doubt it.
@Avicenna *go
@josephr pretty much the way it is anyway
Being a woman of color makes one pretty invisible..think how Jay-Lo's albums have been ignored at reward time.
So if you're invisible, do you think you'd have to do everything alone? Who wants to go out dancing or head to the beach with someone that neither they nor anyone could see. I don't think it would be that cool for the visible person.
Right! We need to be careful what we ask for. LLOL