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Here I am again. At church. For the community. For my wife. For some potential wisdom that transcends religion. Wisdom is knowledge applied. Wisdom through the revelation of an engineering teacher? This latter statement is what the preacher talked about. Science and engineering are data-driven, not by presupposition.

Miracle of the Holy Spirit that this preacher asked a delivery guy how he was doing? I just call that being a compassionate individual. No need to attribute this sentiment to a third party. Own your shit.

Here are my observations from the sermon:

  1. Hail Mary pass—football reference. Cliche. No surprise here.
  2. Quid pro quo (I do something for you, you do something for me), apparently is not what the system of Christianity is all about. If God isn’t about quid pro quo, why is doing his will written as though it is, from His perspective?
  3. Prayer alone does nothing. Wisdom and thankfulness are a mindset that prayer supposedly supports. Meditation and actions speak louder when paired together. Practice and tradition building. Make your plan actionable. Community is key. Without this, prayer and “spirituality” mean very little.
  4. Asking how someone is doing, someone you don’t know, is not a miracle. Secular people do this as well. The miracle bar has been lowered substantially since the writing of the Bible.
  5. Unconditional love in the church is total bullshit. Why do I have to confess then? Does unconditional even mean anything? If accountability is a condition of love, then by definition love is not unconditional.
  6. Grace and wrath are mutually exclusive. Salvation means absolutely nothing when these two attributes are attached to an anthropomorphic god.
DrDJAndy 4 Sep 16

Enjoy being online again!

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I once heard that prayer doesn't change things but it might change you. These days I'm so changed that I don't pray - ever!


if i am well enough, and if my guy is well enough (he just came home from the hospital friday) we'll be at yom kippur services and break-the-fast this coming week. i'm an atheist but i LIKE the services (and the mound of lox they have on the buffet table). i actually like them. i don't need to believe in a god to enjoy a thoughtful sermon (no fire and brimstone in a jewish service!) about how people should treat each other well, and ask forgiveness of those we've harmed, and grant forgiveness IF WE CAN to those who ask. it's not at ALL like catholic confession, as i have seen some suggest. anyway i can enjoy that once a year without feeling put out, and my guy likes to go (i don't enjoy it well enough to go as often as he does, which isn't often at all). the music is good, too. the god thing isn't an issue for me; it's very human-concerned. and did i mention lox? (i really love lox!)

i haven't been since the "old" rabbi retired. the young rabbi is in charge now. it should be interesting. i think the young rabbi plays the guitar. i wonder if they hired a new "young" rabbi?

anyway, #4 -- that's a thing? wow. that's weird.



Too bad you do things you don't believe in to please others. I sure wouldn't.

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