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Obviously I'm biased in this assessment, but does it seem to anyone else like the people on this site are simply vastly more attractive than on other dating/community sites, and I don't just mean that personality-wise? This might be the only site where I regularly say, "God damn" and not just mean to blaspheme.

PolyWolf 7 Sep 17

Enjoy being online again!

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Not my observation, then again to each his/her own.


It does make it difficult to be here only for community. But what is attractive is subjective.

Both very good points. Thank you for commenting.


In my case it certainly helps that the ladies that are so inclined seem to really enjoy me. That goes a long way towards my opinion of this site being positive.

Previous to this site my best experience was a lady on tinder that swiped right on me just to tell me she didn't find me attractive. So yeah, I think the ladies here are the bees knees by comparison.

I ended up using Tinder as actual tinder and burned up my phone after trying it for a week. I'm sorry you had that experience though - you are an hilarious, thought-provoking charmer, and I can only hope to sound half as clever.

@PolyWolf I agree...the men seem to be more themselves and are quite charming, respectful and yet naughty at times...we all have a good time even if the relationships end up just as can't say that about a lot of other sites. People are nice here. J is a clever one...happy to call him a friend.

@thinktwice @PolyWolf Stop it with the kind words! You're going to make me blush!☺

@JeremyTaylor That's my hope. I'm trying to approach life differently lately. Basically, while I haven't really ever been too toxically masculine, I haven't really done much to stop it. I've realized I need to if I'm going to help at all, so while most men aren't used to getting compliments (myself included), that doesn't mean I can't give them to men also. Of course, it helps I'm slightly bi, but that's not even playing a part: I genuinely find your cleverness to be beautiful, and inspiring.

@PolyWolf Though I am straight as the day is long, I can certainly appreciate a well intended compliment. So thank you for the kind words.?

I can also appreciate your efforts to take a different tact in life and stymie toxic masculinity as you can. It takes a certain courage to confront and callout such behavior, so thank you for that.?


Intelligence and thoughtful comments coupled with respect and humor is vastly more attractive than what many other sites are astute in your observation.

From what I recall of the random comments I've seen you make, you are quite a clearheaded thinker, so that compliment means even more to me. Thank you.


Well, thankyu, thankyuvurrymuch....

You are stunningly beautiful, and I love the comments of yours that I've randomly seen.

@PolyWolf methinks you are one brownie over your limit, but thanks!

@AnneWimsey Ha. I am not, but that may be my favorite new phrase, thank you. ? I genuinely meant what I said.

@PolyWolf well, hellloooo, sailor. I love going to Amish country in the RV.....just sayin, Philly is kind of on the way, no?

@AnneWimsey I wish! Amish country is more toward the center and northern parts of the state, from my understanding, though I could well be wrong. Philly is to the south east. I love where your head is at though. ?

@PolyWolf I actually go to Lancaster, southeastern end.....



Well, while that certainly is a possibility, I'm definitely not above being shallow. It's a good point for sure though, because I have more respect for people I can reasonably believe have thought through life a little bit.

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