Made an amazing new friend this summer, but she's a bible thumper I need tips for avoiding conflict
I also recently made a great new friend who is religious. The thing I love about her is she is the real deal. To me, someone who was not raised in any religion, she is what I think a Christian should be. She is accepting, and kind, and tries very hard to be a good person. She had a "scare" where her daughter was questioning her sexuality, and she told her she would love her no matter what. I brought my transgender roommate over to her place for a party with her family and we all talked openly about him being transgender and they were polite and asked questions, and she even wrote on her calendar that she would pray for him when he had his surgery. I was touched. It was from genuine concern for him and not patronizing. Sure, she talks about god a lot and what god's purpose is for her, but it doesn't bother me. She doesn't try to put any of it on me and I like how open she is. She has talked about mistakes she and her ex made raising their kids in a super religious household. I was so proud of her to admit that. We haven't talked a lot about me being atheist, but I'm pretty sure she knows. We don't hang out a ton, but I do enjoy her company. It's nice knowing there are good Christians out there.
honesty is the best policy. tell her you don't want to be proselytized to and you in turn won't try to dissuade her from her beliefs. warn her that if she forgets and does lay religion on you, you may just have to respond in kind, and you'd rather not have to do that. ask if she thinks she can still be your friend under this circumstance.
. . . make another amazing new friend. . . .
Reminds me of a co-worker that wanted to "friend" me on facebook. I warned her that as she is a devout Catholic (pro-life, kill they gays, etc.) It would not be good . . . . She decided to give it a try and suffered greatly. as I held no bards attacking her bible thumper assertions
I’ve also recently made a great friend who’s religious. I made her aware of my atheism early on. It doesn’t bother me at all. I try to avoid religion and politics in conversation. My only concern is our children are the same age and although my son is also an atheist, I don’t want her son trying to convert or make him uncomfortable for his beliefs.
I don't hang with religious people at all, and if I find out that someone I've been running around with is a devout Christian- for example, if that person tries to get me to watch some religious recruitment movie, I immediately distance myself, and never contact them again.
Well I don't take religion at all seriously so what other people believe doesn't bother me. It's their actions that matter. So long as their religion isn't causing them to act in a nasty way towards people I care about I'm not going to have a problem with their religion. I'd advise the same attitude. However it's a two way street so you need to be honest with your friend that you're not religious, no need to use any loaded labels just say you don't think the existence of gods looks particularly likely. Ask if that's going to a be a problem and where their red lines are.
If she's as much of a holy roller as you seem to be saying this issue will be unavoidable. Next time she tries to get you to engage on the subject of religion be firm, yet respectful, and tell her who you are. Maybe you'll luck out and she won't be a religious fascist. Good luck!