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Male privilege? what does it mean to you?

Humanlove 7 Jan 27

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It means that when you show up in a 'suit and all' will be given the best table, without even asking!

Well, it can also mean I am charged more in US clubs for just being a single man.

@0752532706 OO-O...just goes to show, there are no absolutes!


While there may be male privilege, let us not assume that ALL males, including white ones, are privileged. Let's also remember that females in privileged classes are as privileged as anyone else. Privilege is fundamentally about class, not gender.


Tis easier to pee when I am camping or in a small boat.


I used to have genuine penis envy for that reason and that reason formost as a kid. The boys could pee on the way home from school just facing a bush ... I had to hold it in or find a bush to crawl right into to hide. They got woodwork I got knitting. Bah. But as the years have gone by, I lost my penis envy all together. A bit like that five year old girl, who complained why her baby brother had a penis and she didn't, her grandma reassuring her, lovely old lady she was: " Don't worry about that, darling. When you grow older you'll have a choice of many."


It means not having eyes pop, heads turn, cellphones snap photos, whispers, stares, and pointing fingers follow you around when you longboard. Among other things.

some of my best friends are female longboarders, point taken.


I'm going to get burnt here but ....

I don't doubt for a second that it exists. Sure those statistics would give the impression that the odds are stacked against men but seriously????

Tbh I don't know where to begin... I live in a world where women are routinely paid less than men for the equivalent jobs. Where women are far more likely to be victims of abuse and sexual violence. Where women are judged more on what they look like as opposed to what they are saying...

If you doubt male privilege, dress as a woman for a day. Let us all know how you get on

If women were not judging the way I look like as a man, I would not be single today in a Nation full of women claiming to be seeking partners, if women were not doing the same as they allege men do--- we wouldn't see the number men paying for cuddling services going up at skyrocketing prices.

@MrLizard Jimmy mentioned... So I had to explain that...


It means to me they can walk at night safely. Where as women are more in danger of getting raped or kidnapped.

Hmm. Yes, a man is a lot less likely to get raped. But as for assault ... in New Zealand at any rate young men are more likely to get assaulted and killed. So, just saying, the idea men can walk safely at night is not entirely true. And if the young man happens to be gay or trans or something like it, I think his chances get up even more .. to be assaulted. I just don't think it is black and white.


So this is a question I enjoy

Especially when you combine it with white male privilege.. It's a fun thing people like to bring up to describe how I've gotten to where I've gotten.. My current status being not being great but better than it was 10 years ago .

So I always pose this question....

If I got a promotion over someone of a different ethnicity or gender, why do you assume it's because I'm a white man? Now if another person gets a promotion over me do you assume it was because they we're more qualified than I? Why?

Now yes there are some folks who do practice and who do reap the rewards of such "privilege". However assuming it's like that for every male you meet or every white male or white person, is just as racist and or sexist as the person who exercises such "Privilege"

I agree with this comment.


I'm sorry I have no words, I am still trying to get past your username 😐

My user name? What's wrong with it?

Should I call it? 🙂

@JimmyM what you see is what you call me,it's my user name.

Fair enough but it looks like a cell fone number 🙂

@JimmyM Yaa I am more of e cellphone than a human being.

@JimmyM Yes an South Australian number , prefix +61 (07)

@0752532706 Okay nothing is really wrong with it, its just a bit um different, sorry mate, no offence intended. I'll get over it and get used to it. I'll call you 07 for short, bit like James Bond 007, do you like your martini shaken not stirred as well? 🙂

@ripcurldane I cannot be offended. I will accept your way of notifying me that you are communicating with me. We are at peace.

@ripcurldane my own brother settled in Australia. Sydney.

@0752532706 Okay man, I love you man. Hug Hug

@0752532706 whereabouts? Its a great city temperature weather wise, good compromise between too cold and too hot, it's a Goldilock's city!


I means I have to work like a bastard to take care of everything I'm culturally held responsible for, and then get called a prick for doing it. But really, I love every minute of it, and I know the women in my life have done the same thing for whatever they are responsible for.

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