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Asking for the thoughts/opinions of others here.
Are these " born again" Xtians, etc, running to religion to escape/try to escape from;
a) the reality of life that scares them so badly, or,
b) something they have/ they truly are/ have been in the past and are seeking religion to help them erase that/those things, or, are they just ' bandwagon' jumping since Evangelism, etc, is a somewhat newish fashion fad?

Triphid 9 Sep 25

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Most religious people were raised that way, being indoctrinated when too young to be discerning.


No, most of them completely believe everything, incredible though it seems to us, If you have been immersed in this doctrine since childhood you acceot it as absolute truth. These people are zealots and believe they are doing god’s work...that they are saving the rest of us from Satan and his works. Sometimes people who are otherwise not too religious can have a conversion too, remember the Billy Graham campaigns back in the late twentieth century? Lots of people who are looking for answers to what purpose their life has are attracted to this extreme form of religion as all the rules are laid out for them and no more thought need be given to it.....just follow the rules and paradise will be yours! That’s a very attractive prospect if your life is feeling a bit shitty!

P.S. Newish fad it certainly is not. Christians have been putting unbelievers or “heretics “ to death since early times and likewise Muslims doing the same to infidels!

@Marionville Yes, Xtians have been persecuting Non-Believers since the early years of the inception of Xtianity just as the Jews persecuted the Gentiles and those Jews who followed the ' teachings' of those ' so-called' Disciples.
And now the Radical Fundamentalist Muslims are, in my opinion, doing a belated ' copycat' version of the Xtians, a kind of Tit for Tat in my opinion considering the outright and wholesale SLAUGHTER inflicted upon them during the Crusades by the Xtians.
As to the ' running to Xtianity' think about the ones in prisons who suddenly find/turn to Jesus/God, are they not simply ' running' to one thing in hope/s of escaping something else or hoping that their sudden 'conversion' may give them a chance of the ' Get out of Gaol ' card?

@Triphid Don’t think we disagree ....except the difference between real belief and expediency in the case of criminals who would jump on any bandwagon if it served their purpose.....but in most of these cases they don’t really believe so can’t be included here.

@Marionville Precisely, and I often ponder upon just how many of these ' Evangelist' Churches and their so-called Founders have see the potential sources for Personal Gain/s, etc, in doing a bit of ' bandwagon' jumping, tuning up their 'special' style of stage acting and pretence, etc, so that they can draw in the gullible, the frightened and the insecure and fleece them as have those like the Billy Graham Dynasty, etc.
For instance, When I was aged 16, I became quite interested in joining the High Drama Group and found that Amateur Acting was a bit of a forte for me, I received quite a bit of acclaim for my talent of being able to "fit myself into any role I was selected for on stage,' this became a kind of thing I would asked to do impromptu in the school grounds to entertain fellow students as well.
Hence, one teacher ' dared' me to ' put on a show' on a street corner, dressed as an itinerant ' Preacher' and see how many people I could ' convince' that I was 'speaking' the words of God.
I accepted, worked up my own script, role and persona for a few weeks, got a ' costume' and the Teacher then took me and a group of others to a town some 300 Kilometres away for the weekend where I'd would not be recognized and I did my ' Preacher act.'
It totally surprised me, and everyone else btw, just how many people gathered around once I got started and how many were offering various amounts of money for me to set up a Church so that they could hear me preach to them every Sunday.
That was Easter Weekend, 1969 and had we not had scruples we could have walked away quite a few hundreds of dollars richer. I was an Atheist then as I still am today and ever since I have viewed the ' Evangelist' types, and ALL Churches btw, as being little more than a very well organized Confidence Trickster Scheme, to say the very least, preying upon the vulnerability of others, raking in the money gained from false promises, etc, etc,.

@Triphid Yes you have just confirmed what I have always believed that TV evangelists and their ilk who drum up support by hellfire preaching on street corners are just a bunch of conmen and out and out cynical bastards who are out to exploit people’s weaknesses and stupidly.

@Marionville Precisely my friend and that is how religions first got started way way back in the earliest times of human history if one truly sits and thinks about it.
E.g. the tribe/clan has a poor week where hunting has been a fairly dismal failure, one tribe member sees an opportunity to ' exploit' the others for his/her own personal gain, probably by utilizing the knowledge gained from observing very closely the habits, etc, of the ' game' animals, he/she then tells the others that he/she can hear and speak to the animal spirits and the ancestors of the tribe members BUT the other must sacrifice the best and choicest parts of the meats to those spirits via him or her, and, BINGO, religion is BORN, one person gains a free ride while the rest do all the work, etc.


I was indoctrinated as a child and simply believed. I thought that God was he only important thing in life. It was no an excuse, cop out, or something to lean on in times of trouble. I was jumping on no band wagon nor did i need it to deal with life. It was my life and i knew no different. I was a young earth creationist, fundamentalist, extremist, simply because I knew no different. We must be careful not to judge others according to our beliefs or misconceptions. Lucky for me I was so brainwashed I thought that all questions would be answered with God. So against the advice of elders I explored the world fearlessly with absolute faith, with no fear of learning. The Bible says the truth will set you free and it did, from religion.


Having been raised in a conservative protestant faith, experienced baptism by immersion, and a rebirth of a kind, I can offer the following:

  1. I didn't "run to religion" as an escape--it was all I had known.
  2. The "reality of life" exists within the cocoon--those who are born again and accept Jesus know that we are all destined for heaven, and that this world is a mere way point. That was my reality!
  3. When you are brought up in the faith, you don't need your religion to erase a past--unless of course, you've backslidden, and need to be reclaimed. I can't tell you how many re-baptisms I witnessed as people who had rebelled and led a wild life only to be filled with guilt and regret, and thus returned to their faith and were baptized a second time.
  4. Newish fashion or fad? I trust you're kidding? When you do a little research you find that these practices and beliefs have been around for millennia!

When I posited " Newish Fashion type Fad" in relation to Evangelism ( which, btw, is somewhat relatively ' new' in the context of the last 2,000+ years since Xtianity, etc, has been around) that what was part of the studies of Theology and Comparative MODERN Religions comprised of considering that it only reared its head, so to speak, some 250+ years ago.
Prior to the formation of the C. of E. under Henry VIII of England and the ideas of Martin Luther ( the Founder of Lutheranism) in Germany there was only the Holy Roman Empire ( Catholic Church) ruling the majority of Europe and the R.C.C. was striving and determined to eradicate ALL 'perceived ' opposition to their domination.

Perhaps I wasn't quite clear and concise enough too, for that I apologize, however I meant it to read as referring to those who were NOT religious previously BEFORE suddenly changing tack, so to speak, i.e. my Born-Again Evangelist neighbor who admits to numerous societal ' no-nos' prior to his 'conversion.'

@Triphid No need to apologize ... I must apologize, as I was the one who misunderstood. In the grand scheme of things, the term 'new' may be rather ancient, as in "New Testament." When it comes to your neighbor, there is often an overwhelming urge to 'share' one's 'testimony,' following an emotional vector change brought about by a religious experience. Your neighbor's sense of guilt may have played a role here. Personally, having lived through all of this crap, I wish these people would just keep it to themselves. Their experiences should be viewed as being unique to them, and not meant for mass distribution.

@p-nullifidian No worries mate, let's just call it as it should be ,i.e. a wee small hiccup, nothing more, nothing less.

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