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Does anyone find themselves staying quiet about being athiest/skeptic around friends? I've found a lot of people who know that I'm an athiest beforehand automatically try to convert me or disparage my understanding of the world. Those who don't know have often commented on how atheists (without knowing my beliefs) are automatically bad people. Little bit of background, I'm in a fairly religious/conservative area, and tried to believe in college so I could fit in, but studying it made me disbelieve harder. Is it just this area, or is this what I can pretty much expect anywhere?

Mcassarly 3 Sep 27

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I do around family. But I think that follows under respect. My father recently asked me if I believe in God. That is a hard question to answer coming from him. I bluntly told him “I don’t know, and I may never find out, but there is nothing wrong with that”


Most of my friends know that I'm an atheist. Around my best friend's wife who is a devout Catholic, I'm an agnostic. The word atheist upsets her. Her husband is one but he goes to church with her to keep the peace. Since I'm the godfather of her kids, I've participated in the various Catholic rituals that is required of a godfather. It makes her happy, it makes the kids happy and it makes my best friend's life easier so I don't mind at all.


To me asking someone about their religion or politics is an extremely personal question because the answer's always invoke such strong replies. The people who know me the best and know everything about me know what I believe and know how I feel. everybody else in the world I keep my opinions to myself unless I am directly asked cuz I just get tired of looking like and being told that I'm going to hell.


I recently said I was agnostic and my Sister said behind my back " that's sad". This being said from someone who calls people out for being judgmental.

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