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So I told my mom this past weekend that I am Agnostic. I didn't expect her to be upset, disappointed, or angry. However, I never expected the response I got from her. She stated that she is agnostic too and has been for decades. I never knew. I knew was anti-christian. I was pleasantly surprised.

yogafan108 7 Oct 1

Enjoy being online again!

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It shows you came from a intellectual line of thinkers.


How cool. My children attended various religious services plus plenty of logic and science with plenty of discussion throughout. They were adults before they asked me what I believed and why.


Glad it worked out. There were 7 kids in my family and we were raised Catholic. I knew most of my siblings were atheists but one brother we were not sure of. he is married to an evangelical Christian and he was always quiet. In May 2017 we brothers got together and we asked him about this. He admitted he was also atheist but didn't say much because of his wife. All these years (he was 67). Out of 7 only one sister is a Jehovah's Witness.


Isn't it ironic? There are so many people I know who are attending the church I grew up in but don't believe in it. They attend for various reasons, often to appease loved ones. They suspect that there are other non-believers at church but you can never tell. I think it's kind of funny.


Cool 🙂


So wonderful to learn something new about the ones you love.


This is a good reason to continue to speak about your beliefs. You never know when you'll find a kindred intellect. Good for your mom, fabulous for you. ?


I liked your post. There are a lot of people who don't believe in gods, and they don't like religions. But we don't make so noise like others

Roi81 Level 4 Oct 2, 2018

Good for you that you had positive response when telling you mother. Now you have something to share. I would have opposite response from mother since she a die hard baptist. Hopefully one day I can be an open atheist and don't have worry about religious bs.


If my mother told me she was agnostic I’d most likely pass out from surprise


I was brought up Catholic my parents and I never had this discussion but I kind of wonder in the back of my mind how much they really believed.


I'm surprised that you hadn't talked about it before.

@yogafan108 I talked to my parents about their beliefs since I was a child.


Wonder what she'd said if you'd told her you were an atheist? "An atheist?! Darling I don't mind if you're an agnostic about God, but an Atheist!!" (Favourite Dawkins joke recycled)


when i realized, at age 15, there were no gods, it didn't even occur to me to mention it to my parents. i didn't think they'd be interested. i wasn't afraid or nervous; it just never crossed my mind. decades later, someone asked me what my parents believed and i realized that i had no idea! so i called them long distance and asked them. they were surprised, a little annoyed that i was spending the money to ask them such a silly question, and unsure of their own answers. they hadn't given it much thought.



Sometimes we stress about telling folks, and then are surprised that they have been kindred spirits all along. It's heartwarming! She must have raised you right!

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