8 7

Aren't timezones amazing!!!

In Australia it's tomorrow.

In Europe, it's tonight.

And in the USA it's 1950 where women, minorities and LBGQT are still under assault by old white men.

Uncorrugated 7 Oct 6

Enjoy being online again!

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A stewardess on a flight;
"Ladies and gentlemen, we will soon be landing in Salt Lake City. Please set your watches back 200 years."


Sadly crying


Not only in the US. In some countries gay men are persecuted and put into jail.


I know a few old white men in the USA that are sweet and admirable. Key to that being "few" - but there are some all the same 🙂… post script (they have not been elected to Congress)


You’re giving Australia way too much credit. They’ve got problems of thier own. Where do you think trumpski got the idea of putting children in cages?? He’s not that smart or original.


Sad but true!


Dumb garbage

Creationism over evolution taught in schools. Same sex marriage not allowed in many states The 1st ethnic head of state constantly questioned about their birth and religion. Roe vs Wade soon to be overturned. Tell me if this is garbage?

@273kelvin All unrelated and have their own specific caveats.

@x0lineage0x Okay put your fingers in your ears and say "La la la la". Three of the four things I mentioned there are directly connected to the Christian alt right movement. Which is 99% white and connects the fourth.
Btw teaching creationism as a viable alternative to evolution would not be legal in the UK and we do not separate church and state.

@273kelvin ... okay -_-


To the polls..VOTE THEM OUT!!

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