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A Good Christian.

I am renting our old house out. The tenant is a nurse and her husband is a truck driver. They have 3 kids. When she filled out the application, she had good references, a bank statement that showed a good balance and paystubs demonstrating they could easily afford the rent. She also indicated that she was "A Good Christian" as if that should mean something to me.

The first red flag was when she was in a rush to move in before the first of the month. Something about her existing house being sold and needing to be out of it. I compromised and let her in with a downpayment of cash, and a check for the balance of the first month and security deposit.

Two weeks later, the bank sent me a notification that the check was returned for insufficient funds. Immediately I called her and confronted her about it. She didn't respond to any of my calls, texts or emails. Five days later, she emailed me to apologize for the bounced check and claimed that her sister in law had loaned her the check or something. Anyway, long story shortened, she now owes us for October and hasn't responded to any of my demands.

Today I am sending a letter of termination to her, giving her 14 days to either pay up in full, move out, or go to court.

The moral of the story? Good Christians are not good tenants.

fidla 6 Oct 9

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My experience/observation of them is that once they say they are good and/or say to think of them, they have no ethics/morality.


In my experience, those who need to say they are a "good Christian" often are not. If you have to tell me you're a Christian, you are doing it wrong.


I hope u get this resolved soon ?
To my experiences , every time anyone has to try hard to market self is bcz they have to .
if not , product will appear as ugly or worthless as is in reality .
Let's hope they ll get out of your house soon , I am sorry for the kids ?


the best you can expect from someone who says "good christian" about him/herself or others is the delusion that christians are good and everyone else not so good. the whole CONCEPT of good christian is offensive. the whole concept that someone's religion should be on an application for anything but the priesthood (for example) is ridiculous. so right away, from the application, you knew she was a bigot. alas, she didn't give you as good a clue that she was a scammer.



Generally, good christians are not good christians!


Another case to show that when they say that....back away slowly.......


Call her church and tell the minister. That should help!


Most "good Christian's are anything but good christians.


I'll add in two cents - this applies in business as well. Over the course of a decade and a half after cofounding a company the people who caused me the most trouble were ALWAYS christians who didn't miss a Sunday at church. I'm talking soap opera level antics take over the company attempts, and causing much trouble towards that end.... I guess I am lucky in that I only had to remove three knives from my back. Guess they ask Jeesssuuuuuuuusssss for forgiveness no matter and all is well.

Ohub Level 7 Oct 9, 2018

The least honest and most hypocritical people I've ever met called themselves good Christians. I don't help them anymore.


It reminds me of the old aphorism....self praise is no recommendation! Hope you get her out and get your money. Better luck with the next tenant.


ANYTIME someone tells you they are a "Good ANYTHING"... Steer clear! I work for a national lender for auto finance. It is my job to train auto dealers. (While avoiding the pirates!) If a salesperson starts telling me how good they are... I immediately know where and who I need to start training.

And dealers... I had a dealer in a very rural area. In the first paragraph of our conversation... She added, "I'm a good Christian woman!" By the end of our conversation... She was dishing dirt on everyone in town. In the end, she was a sweet woman and we developed a friendship (as I do with most of my dealers)... In this case... I'd say she was "a nice, normal human!"



Sounds like she’s had to use to the “good christian” line before. As an RN, I don’t know a single nurse that rents. Of course, nurse is a term that is used too loosely.
Sounds like it’s time to evict. As you know evictions take time in most jurisdictions, you can’t just change the locks. I hope you got two months deposit.


It's not their's the fact they have 3 spawn. I've found that breeders are the worst tenants.


It's like a sense of humor. If someone tells you they have one, or on this case - are one, they don't/aren't.


Good Christian is an oxymoron


Now you know exactly what "a good Christian" is. She did try, believe me. It's just that the mean old Devil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

This is the game they play.


I wonder if that's the type of thing people are starting to put in order to attempt to con others out of something. Anyway, hope this works out - she sounds like a real piece of work.

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