What is the correlation between intelligence and a sense of humor?
Good question. Intelligent people tend to have a drier, ironic, and more subtle sense of humor. Some people think I have a delightful sense of humor. Some people think I have very little sense of humor. That is because I don't laugh at dumb common jokes as I find them painful...but I do unusually force a grin to spare their feelings.
humor involves presenting something that is at least a little bit rooted in reality, then twisting it. to be really funny, on purpose, or to appreciate good humor, you have to have at least enough intellect to recognize both elements. even to understand and appreciate a pun, supposedly the lowest form of humor, you have to know what word is being twisted or played upon. you don't have to be a genius but you do have to "get" it.
I'd like to think there's some kind of symbiotic connection between the two: that each feeds the other in a mutually beneficial way. I have 0.00 info to support this but it's a nice idea.
Then there's this:
I've noticed a sense of dry humor on this site.
Anyone else?
So I haven't been making you cry on a regular basis? Dang.
I've heard dark humor is correlated to higher intelligence, if I remember correctly.
I've heard that too and I agree.