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Bloomberg Becomes Democrat Again -Looks Like He's Running in 2020?

sassygirl3869 9 Oct 10

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I do not trust politicians that change political parties to suite their impending needs.He has no party loyalty.His also has a habit of imposing his own stupid ideas on people like his failed attempt to limit the size of soft drink portions in NYC when he was Mayor .Why would a Mayor waste his time and taxpayers money on such a ridiculously dumb idea.He also appropriated his passing of a bill so he could run for Mayor a third time but selfishly refused to to agree for future Mayors to seek a third time.He also has a history of sexual harassment allegations against him .


He changes the rules just like dt


I would vote for him.


Nope... But he can certainly donate his money to the cause!


Still would not vote for him.

@PalacinkyPDX Good point.

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