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Using four letter words doesn't make you look cool. You just look like someone with an ugly mouth.

Jolanta 9 Oct 10

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That is a load of fucking bullshit! Which four letter word offends thee, that or load?


Are there any so called bad words that don’t have some connection to sex and/or religion? Hmmm.

GbRu Level 4 Oct 14, 2018

Let me know when you find out.


I'm a bit old to worry about looking cool but there is something just so satisfying about letting foul words rip LOL

Maybe you need to expand your vocabulary. But yes I know what you mean. I object to it when every second word is a four letter word.

@Jolanta My vocabulary is quite extensive and often hear "I don't know what that means" from others but as I have already stated, it is satisfying in certain situations.

In fact, there are some studies out there claiming health benefits.


@Lucy_Fehr Then it is a tremendous opportunity for you to educate people.

@Jolanta Or perhaps they can educate themselves since they have a mini computer right there in their pocket. Google is everyone's friend these days and there really is no excuse for ignorance any longer but I digress from the original topic of enjoying foul language.

I've grown bored with your attempts to shame me by insinuating that I lack intelligence due to my enjoyment of cursing and no longer wish to spend what little time I have here belaboring it.

Think what you will and I will say fuck as often as I wish with absolutely no shame in doing so.

@Lucy_Fehr No I am not trying to shame you, you seem to do a great job of that yourself. You may be intelligent but what does that really mean when you have to use four letter words to make yourself understood?

@Jolanta LMFAO

@Jolanta You are an incredibly judgemental tight ass. Again three letters. ?

@Sticks48 You got those three letter words down❀

@CaroleKay l didn't want to piss (oops) her off. ?❀

@Sticks48 Oh, what a great humanist you are.

@Jolanta l know! I didn't know it showed. ☺

@Sticks48 It doesn't totally the opposite.

@Jolanta l am not big inhumanity anyway. A very disappointing speicies.The least noble speicies on the planet.


There is a time and place for everything... With that said... I swear like a sailor at times. I especially like the book of Slang and Unconventional English! SOOooooo many to choose from! πŸ˜‰


Latest studies say 4-letter words soothe the part of the brain that lights up if you whack your shin!

Yes true it’s four letter words without the wack on ones shin that I object to.

@Jolanta go back to 1815, couldn't even say "leg". Stop listening so hard for them they will fade into the background. And BTW i swear like adrunken sailor on a good day....


Ahhhhhhhhh.... I see what you did !!!!!.... Four, make, look, cool, just, like, with and ugly !!!!! All four letter words !!! Hats off now !! ?


Gimme an F, gimme a U, gimme a C...... You get the idea and idea by the way, it is a four letter word too ?


Somehow, saying β€œOh heck, that hurt.” When I smash my finger in a door doesn’t quite explain my true feelings. Whereas, any number of four-letter-words and their related phrases can truly capture the experience and emotions of the moment.

Yes, there are more elegant words and phrases that can be used. But, that does not always express one’s true feelings.

Yes but how often do you smash your fingers

Not often. But, there are hammers, drawers, table corners and other obstacles that can create other, similarly painful moments to memorialize. And, then there are those times when you forget, realize, are reminded of something you should have done, that require your immediate attention and your frustration level is so high that a simple β€œDarnit” just doesn’t do it.


to each their own


Its how you use them words ,that makes them dirty not suitable lmao


I use sexual innuendo only in it's literal sense...I regret some are offended by this restaint in use, in more(global) broader sense...


I feel sorry for you.

Why? Do you think I am unhappy?


Mostly true! However, given that there are twice as many words in the English language as there are in any other language, and it's still such a lousy way to communicate, none of them should be overlooked. There is an appropriate use for all words given the right situation.


It's in my DNA


I'm not concerned with impressing anyone with my coolness, or lack therof. To put it simply - there are times when there is nothing quite as juicy and appropriate as a heartily spoken 4-letter !


If in public, I try to curse in a language not spoken by those around me. Luckily, I know enough languages to make this feasible. might not work in Manhattan, however. Cursing in Thai, English, French, Creole, or Spanish might be understood by any random passer-by.


So-called four-letter words only exist because we all agree they are prohibited, and breaking that prohibition is somehow bad or ugly. It's just another way to make sure people conform. It's kind of ridiculous. No word is in and of itself bad--only thinking makes it so. Yes, I just paraphrased Shakespeare to justify my excessive and frequent use of the word fuck.

A Lenny Bruce fan.

@silverotter11 So, I actually just Googled Lenny Bruce. Yes, I knew he was a comedian, but no, I was not familiar with his line of thought on this. It is a coincidence. But it makes sense that more than one person would make this observation!


I don't know what to say. I'll pray for you.

Nice lie lol

Well, you know when Xtians say it, it means F-you. πŸ˜€

What so you are a fake agnostic then.

You have an ugly mind

Just coining a phrase. I don't identify as Agnostic. I'm an Atheist or Anti-theist. Humanist works. Nothing fake here.

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