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I would love to know which side of the pond you're on. I'm in the U.S.A.....YOU ? ?

Sheannutt 9 Oct 17

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Australia, land of the truly free, wide open spaces, sunshine and friendly people.


Northern Ireland.....just across that big pond called the Atlantic! We are on a line of latitude with Newfoundland going westward from here across the Atlantic, so that is quite a bit further north than your location.

I was talking to someone today about NI and detention under the Mental Health act. Seemingly, you detain less people than anywhere else in the UK. Now I have my own theories about this, why do you think it might be?

@Amisja I wasn’t aware if this, no idea why that would be the case.

@Marionville I think (just a guess) that it something to with resilence and expectation that people look after their own.

@Amisja Couid be, but we do have a higher incidence of trauma and depressive illness due to 30 years of the “troubles” here. Maybe it’s because we have virtually no Psychiatrists here, less per head of population than England and there is a long wait to get referred to see one. Do you have to have certification by a psychiatrist to be detained under the Mental Health Act? Anyway we don’t have enough beds in Psychiatric wards as it is, so no point in making detention orders if there is nowhere to put them. I doubt very much that it has anything to do with people’s expectations being any different from that in England,


I'm in the middle of the pond? In the USA, but the island state of Hawaii.

That is another, even bigger pond that the one I am on the edge of!


I'm in Portland, Oregon . . . Not all that far away. I was in GP a few months ago and had a fairly good dinner. I think it was at the Bohemian Cafe or someplace like that.

@Sheannutt []


The UK, on a little Island off the south coast 🙂

Which one?

@Amisja How many do you know? I'm on the Isle of Wight 🙂

@ipdg77 yeah been loads. I know quite a few. I am from Lancashire. We don't have Islands but we do have Blackpool.


I am in the land of Oswaldtwistle...not in USA






South side of Golden Pond


In the U.S., in the Pacific Northwest.

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