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Would you consider yourself difficult to get along with, deal with, or live with? Have others told you or referred to you as “difficult”?

I’m a self-professed difficult person. Other people would call me “difficult” too, including my parents. I guess it’s mostly because I don’t follow conventions or norms. My reactions or responses to things tend to diverge from the unexpected. Obviously, I put off a lot of people but some are weirdly attracted to this sort of personality. I can get along with certain people as long as they don’t hang around me too much. I do great with long distance relationships. It does require quite a thick skin to be around me.

graceylou 8 Oct 25

Enjoy being online again!

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67 comments (51 - 67)

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I would like to think that I am easy to get along with. I try my best to be approachable and friendly to everyone. Regardless of where I am in my professional career, I never want anyone to think that I'm any better than they are and I go out of my way to shown that through my actions.

You are a much better human than I am.


I'm generally easy going, but I've learned to limit my time with certain people, to avoid things getting difficult. I'd rather remove myself from a situation or at least remind myself that my time with that person is temporary. There are times I do my minimum time with certain people, so I can rush home to be alone and reset myself to the person I enjoy being. I'd rather be alone than spend time in a difficult situation.


I don't buy it. Beneath a deep and dark exterior is a deep and dark interior??? Not! You're here arn't you? You can always be my friend no matter what. But you risk total nudity. If nothing else I value truth and honesty. You can't hide and don't need to.


Well I read this and now I want some examples from you. Maybe that sentence is how I'm difficult, I really like to talk about this emotional, human interaction kind of stuff. Some folks find that off-putting.

Sure. Feel free to message me.

@graceylou Cool, thank you.


Yes. I'm a grumpy git who is quite happy with solitude. I'm not good at pretending I'm interested in speaking to new people when I'm not, and I'm worse at pretending I give a shit whether they like me.

There seems to be a lot of us like that. May be that’s why we congregate here instead of in real life. We can pick and choose who we want to interact with online or we can choose not to participate at all.


I've come to see myself in both lights. I am not easy to like, for some, and for others I'm their best friend right away. I am selfish but I also do my very best to be likeable. In the end I'm like spinach. When you like me, you like me, when you hate me I'm an acquired taste lol


Back in time (dinosaurs were still walking around), I considered myself low-maintenance. I would always go my own way -- people just knew I marched to a different drummer -- they didn't mind and neither did I. Nowadays, I consider my self high-maintenance -- to me this means my impact on others is high. I can no longer do most of the things I did years ago. Again, this doesn't bother me -- I am what I am. Other people low- or high-maintenance don't bother me -- they just have to accept me as I might accept them.


Si, como, no!


I find a challenge makes relationships interesting..i have same mentality take me as I am or go be bored...


No, I'm easy to get along with in that I am very agreeable man.


I'm too easy, I've been told. My best friend told me I wear my heart is on my sleeve. I've been called an enabler, soft, and other things. I guess I should toughen up


Yep. I have by both people I am very close to and people that don't know me at all.
I mean they all have valid points but I am not terribly difficult it is just some personalities do not mesh well imo. Others laugh when I say I have been told I am difficult...they just said "well they shouldn't try and make you do anything then"


My BS detector is very sensitive. which means i've never had many friends.
i find most people to be brainwashed when it comes to what's really going on in the world.
sometimes i tell them so.


I pick up after myself, shower regularly, try to be social and not just stay in my room, so I don't think I'm difficult to live with. However the facts say otherwise. Between 2005 and 2011, I had 12 different roommates/housemates and lived in 4 different places (not counting a few months living with my parents). This was during and slightly after college, so moving around and living with different people is normal, imo. But 12 roommates does seem like a lot.

Also, I can be passive aggressive if I don't think you are pulling your weight around or feel you are disrespectul. One of my roommate would leave dishes out for weeks. Mold acutally started growing one time, so I put all his dirty dishes in front of his bedroom door. We settled on I would do the dishes and he would clean the bathroom (he rarely did). Another roommate had his girlfriend spend the night almost every night which I didn't have a problem with until she told me she needed her alarm to go off every 15 minutes 5-6 times to wake up. The next morning I heard every single alarm, so before I headed out to class, I banged on their bedroom door as if I was trying to break it down, then left. We talked that afternoon, and I can't remember if she ever spent the night again. She and my roommate eventually got married, so I didn't ruin any relationships. lol


I like most people or try to, but at some point, it gets difficult to get along with certain types... At that point, I become difficult and they back up fast...


I don't consider myself in the norm, but don't consider that is a reason to be difficult with people.


i have been told numerous times, by people who know me well and those who don't know me well alike, that i am very easygoing and friendly.


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