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Would you consider yourself difficult to get along with, deal with, or live with? Have others told you or referred to you as “difficult”?

I’m a self-professed difficult person. Other people would call me “difficult” too, including my parents. I guess it’s mostly because I don’t follow conventions or norms. My reactions or responses to things tend to diverge from the unexpected. Obviously, I put off a lot of people but some are weirdly attracted to this sort of personality. I can get along with certain people as long as they don’t hang around me too much. I do great with long distance relationships. It does require quite a thick skin to be around me.

graceylou 8 Oct 25

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67 comments (26 - 50)

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In a public setting, I am easy to get along with. I can, and do, deal well with all levels, from the unschooled in a rough dive bar to the boardroom. I am flexible and accept people as they are.

In private I am easy as well, with the caveat that I am highly selective about who I allow into my space-as I think we all should be. So once in, I'm OK, but few will be allowed.


I have no problem challenging people's assumptions. If that leads to the total collapse of their world view, oh well. More likely it leads to a burned bridge. Sigh. I think my friend who has been known to describe me as a "shit disturber" had that whole dynamic in mind when she coined the phrase. I accept the moniker not proudly but not ashamedly either. Things are what they are.

I’m the same.


I am definitely difficult to live with. I am too real for some people's good. I'm blunt and obnoxious, and never afraid to tell it like it is. At the same time I am perfectly okay with receiving the same level of scrutiny and honesty I dish out. I am a pusher of boundaries, and my humor knows no bounds. But hey, not asking anyone to move in, so it works out perfectly.


What makes a person "difficult" to get along with isn't refusal to follow conventions or norms. I hang with many friends not following norms or conventions. From the perspective of peers, a "difficult" person is rather those who possess deficient level of empathy for others.

But of course there is another type of "difficult" and that originates from the authority figures. It truly means that the person creates "difficulty" for those in power. They are non-compliant with the expected rules of behavior.

The former is a personality problem. The latter a personality asset, and other non-compliant people might find that person quite easy to get along with.

Sounds like you are being "difficult" to the authorities, but not necessarily a difficult person to your peers. And there is a value in not letting the authorities define us.

Well, I’m labeled difficult because I don’t conform. Am I being difficult just for the sake of it? Sometimes. I’m often not an agreeable person.

@graceylou Hmmm. I am not sure being "agreeable" for the sake of being "agreeable" is desirable. Why should you "agree" to anything that you actually disagree with?

I don't know what motivation you may have in disagreeing. The fact that you are engaged in self-assessment may indicate that you are NOT being "difficult" just because you enjoy it. 🙂

@KenChang Some people would consider those who disagree with conventional ideas or who refuse to conform to be difficult. It’s worse when you refuse to agree or conform to make life easier for everyone. For example, I’m vegan. My friends and my family find that makes things more difficult. They feel they have to try to accommodate me and that’s more work. And if they ask me why I’m vegan and I tell them they get offended and tell me I’m pushing my beliefs. Why do you have to be difficult, Grace? But then there’s also something like me telling someone who gives me flowers that it’s a ridiculous thing to do. Why would you give me dead plant parts that I would have to lock up in a room so my cats won’t eat them? It just doesn’t make sense to me.

@graceylou Yes. I agree. I don't think you are being "difficult." Being "different" isn't being difficult. Being different, that is, deviating from the norm, does bring "difficulty" to one's life. But those difficulties are often worth it.

@KenChang My being different is what most people find to be difficult about me, yes. I can just agree. I can just let it go. I can just keep quiet. But I just wouldn’t.


"some are weirdly attracted to this sort of personality"

I would sure like to meet them. I am well known as an asshole, even among my friends.

To be quite honest here among friends, I actually don't get it. I'm just direct. I think I'm funny. Too often, I say what's on my mind regardless if it's expected or not.

I think sentiment too often clouds perception, and if perception is clouded you can't have truth. And without truth, how can we learn?

I don't feel like I'm an asshole because I'm not usually malicious. I'm just unvarnished.

But it's become what I'm known for, and every time I've tried to manage it I fail. So now I just try to own it.


Yes. No. Now fuck off ! ?


It depends on what you define as "difficult". I'm universally acclaimed as easy-going but there are aspects of me that, like with anyone, will annoy after awhile. I try hard to accommodate legitimate and clearly explained concerns, with varying degrees of success.

In my experience, most such pain points reflect differences in approach. My wife for example is a fairly anxious person and so she manages her anxiety by talking incessantly about things. This simply reflects that as an anxious person she tends to [re]hash everything over and over looking for potential threats, or seeking reassurance. On the other hand ... I am NOT an anxious person, mainly because I DON'T [re]hash things endlessly. So her constant obsessing over concerns tends to transmit her anxiety to ME.

So predictably I don't listen enough and she talks too much. Hilarity ensues.

On the other hand in all other respects she's fantastic at not putting her shit on me and we have a ton in common so the rational approach is to learn to compromise in these areas. Which mostly means I get better at being patient and she gets better hopefully at dropping strategies that don't serve her well. For example she's had a problem all her adult life with insomnia ... if she doesn't become more self aware around her anxiety and quit feeding it, she's going to "throw a rod" at some point.

So are we really being "difficult" with each other? No, I think we're just being ourselves and the interaction between us is in a sense difficult. Which strikes me as pretty normal.


I’m the only atheist in my immediate family of 7 and they think I’m differcult for rejecting religion.

I was the first in my immediate family to reject religion. My younger brother followed soon, then my older brother. My parents still go to church. I was recently at my parents' golden anniversary party, and their very annoying pastor was there and led a prayer. Only my cousin and I did not participate. I was quite disappointed with my brothers. One of my aunts complained that "the young people" don't go to church anymore, like there's something wrong or lacking about us.

@graceylou I alway participate as I would likely be shunned if I didn’t. Sometimes it’s best just to bite your tongue unless your just looking for a fight. Where I live there are unfortunately very few open atheist. I’ve lived in this area for 66 years and I only have 1 openly atheist friend and 1 friend who is likely a closet atheist. Visiting with other atheist is the main reason I’m on this website.

@Trajan61 The community I live in pretty much leaves you alone to do your own business. Most would profess to be Christians or that they believe in god, but only a few go to church. They don't ask you questions. My relatives know I'm very outspoken and rebellious as I have been that way since I was barely a toddler. I denounced a gift of a baby doll when I was 2 stating that I should not be given a gift that was different from my brothers'. I kinda did end up in a fight with the minister at the party because he insisted that he had met me before at my parents' church and I had never been there, never met him, and would not be caught dead in a church. I had a massive shouting match with my Dad because he attacked my lack of belief in god, saying that rational thinking is a problem because it causes us to lose faith in god. Are you kidding me? And that came from a retired surgeon and medical specialist, a man who relied on science for his profession.

@graceylou Both my 7 year old grandson and my 4 year old granddaughter ask me if I believed in god and when I replied no they replied “but papa if you don’t believe in god you will go to hell”. It amazes me that your father would be that religous as he is a man of science and very educated but humans seemed to be wired for religion and religous indoctrination from an early age seems to be something that is very differcult to break loose from.

@Trajan61 Exactly why I had a hard time understanding him. My father's father was also a doctor. And most of my father's sisters and their children are or have been medical professionals. It shocks me (and scares me) that they would put god above science and reason. Of course, religion was/is not my only issue with my relatives (and other people).


I can be stubborn with some stuff, but for the most part I'm easy peasy.


Not especially. I am sure I have my moments like everyone else, though.


Not too difficult. I am a very adaptable person. I was recently discussing this with my long time best friend. We decided adaptability might be the strongest trait that has gotten us through life. Whether all the moving around to all the different towns and cities, or the very different types of women I have been with in my life, I have always adapted to the situation or the people to a degree.


Sounds like these "others" have personal problems best attended to far from my spot on this earth.


I was the black sheep in the family. I called BS when I saw it. Yeah, I was difficult to them. However, they were self absorbed and couldn't get out of their own way.

Same here. I still am the black sheep.


"You are what you are for as long as you are".


I am not a run of the mill person. I don't conform to what is going around me, I walk my own path in life. People seem to like me. I often get "Don't ever change". I am not nasty or difficult with my ways, although I will tell you to your face what I think of you, but all that is done in a friendly manner. You get more results with honey than vinegar.


No one has ever called me "difficult". At least, not to my face.
I can get along with most people as the situation requires.
As far as living with me, I'm going to guess not so much. Although, an
old roommate recently told me I was the best person she'd ever shared
space with. So, there's that.
I've been single for a while, and I like it that way.
No one has to worry about whether I'm difficult or not.

If you're happy, and enjoy your own company, I wouldn't worry too terribly
much about what anyone else may think of you.


Yes I am difficult to live with and have been told so. I have my peculiarities that most people label as OCD. I like things a certain way and that can be quite off putting. I like things to run on or very close to a schedule which can drive others insane. If it says 5 on the invite then it starts at 5.

I too have found that some of my longest relationships have involved long distance.

It does make the prospect of finding a partner a little more daunting. Lol

I do have OCD so I can identify. It makes things even more difficult. Coworkers get annoyed at me because I put everything back where they should be after use. I get annoyed because they don’t put things back where they belong.

@graceylou I would actually enjoy working with a person like you.


Every person who has tried to live with me during my lifetime has let me know that I am a bit more than difficult to live with, which is fine with me, because I prefer to be alone most of the time.


I used to be more difficult...not really a team player...shy too. I would rather work by myself as then I only had to deal with one asshole! Different now in retirement ,no one judges me , I am rarely frustrated ... and can use my novel ideas on my own projects .


I am difficult in the long run because I can only pretend to react the way ordinary people are supposed to for so long.
Weird people like me too, in small doses.


Others have told me as much so yep.


I find me difficult to get along with ...but no one else really has a problem .I'm different externally , when I 'm around people ..but when I 'm alone I am prone to massive panic / anxiety attacks .Sounds a bit daft ..but that 's just how I am .


Indeed. When i am passionately curious about questioning premonitions coworkers, friends, family have on things (including their diehard faith in figureheads and business people)...i get labeled as "weird", "far left", "out there"...yet so many in the South, usa don't see the hypocrisy or their uber "religious" judgement...


I'm not "difficult" just somewhere between a nerdy introvert and a chatty extrovert... ?


I am laid back and I think easy going, for a Diva. However, I have Asperger's and many do not "get" me. I work hard to be a good friend when given the chance, but most do not. Some of this is that I am a bright blue dot in a sea of red. Some is that society has lied to people that men and women cannot just be friends, and I tend to have very little to talk to other men about. I have a twisted sense of humor. I prefer deep, intellectual conversations about subjects that matter. Often that leads to heated debate, but almost always ends with a better understanding.

I tend to get along better with people whom other people don't get. May be because we have that in common.

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