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What exactly do ppl mean when they say that they r spiritual but not religious. Isn't this a meaningless statement? What does spiritual mean?

Greenheart 7 Oct 30

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To me spirit is a life force that comes from within and connects us with others on the planet. On a personal level it's more like a psyche, on a social level it's more like a collective consciousness. Helps me appreciate how much life is a gift and how much we are connected, to ourselves, the earth, and each other. No religion or god reference at all.

Is this a personal definition or what it exactly means?

@Greenheart My definition, but others as well I'm sure, with variations, and to an extent part of the human condition. There's too much beyond what our minds can know or comprehend that everything only has to make rational sense. But I've seen it in the difference in the way people connect, whether it's on a thought level or a feeling level. It has nothing to do with god or religion.


Being religious refers to belonging to an organized religion. Being spiritual does not.


everyone has a different definition. to me it's religion light. they see god in the trees or the rainbows or whatever. i don't buy it, but it's a thing for some people. nature is nature. it doesn't need to be imbued with the supernatural in order to be wonderful.



The way the sort of people who say that define spirituality usually means I don't want to go to church but I will consider Hogwarts


I think spiritual people are deeply aware of the beauty and magnificence of reality. They are stunned and awed by the implications of existence. For them, every moment is a precious gift to be savored.

Sir Arthur Eddington:

The universe is of the nature of a thought or sensation in a universal Mind... To put the conclusion crudely — the stuff of the world is mind-stuff.

We are no longer tempted to condemn the spiritual aspects of our nature as illusory because of their lack of concreteness.

The scientific answer is relevant so far as concerns the sense-impressions... For the rest the human spirit must turn to the unseen world to which it itself belongs.


So imagine you are out in nature, all alone and feeling very calm and at peace, you feel a connection to your place in the ecosystem, a cog in the wheel of the life force that exists on this planet and probably on billions of other planets in billions of other galaxies BUT you also simultaneously realize that the hateful concept of religion that pits humans against each other because some dumb fucks insist that they have an imaginary friend that not only is the only true imaginary friend but it gives them a free pass to do unspeakable and horrific things to their fellow humans and other life forms on this planet is a total crock of shit. (that's one huge run on sentence and I just gave myself a pat on the back for that string of words) 😀 So would that connectivity with the greater life force, ecosystem, whatever you want to call it be considered a spiritual feeling? Just because a bunch of knuckle dragging, delusional, fuckwits decided to co-opt the term spiritual does that make the feeling of being part of a greater whole, no matter how indifferent and uncaring that greater whole is to you personally, does that make the term spiritual less valid?
Your call, no fucks given either way, just like that indifferent and uncaring greater whole that is the life force that we all imagine to exist in one form or another.

Is this ur personal understamding of the word spiritual or tjat is what it means?

@Greenheart It is what you want it to be because it is open to interpretation, you can interpret it anyway your lil ole heart desires, good sir.


For me , I used the term in my transition from believer to nonbeliever. I wasn't all the way there yet.


I immediately take them less seriously.


People are usually saying that they don't like organized religion, but still have spiritual experiences, whether through awe at nature, meditation, or whatever other means.

Orbit Level 7 Oct 30, 2018

What spiritual experiences r they talking about ? Some God stuff?


No idea...sounds nonsensical to me,

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