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"Shooting victim’s family shuns President Trump in Pittsburgh as top officials decline to join him"

I imaging his narcissism will never permit him to see how detested he is.


Secretguy 7 Oct 30

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It really is sad that he either doesn't see the wrong he fosters or worse that he does see it and thinks it is acceptable as long as he gets away with it.


I just don't understand why his handlers or his family don t reign him In! I mean how embarrassing. Such an idiot.


Half the country likes him, half the country hates him:


Pretty much the same story as Obama:


BD66 Level 8 Oct 31, 2018

Half the country hates trump because of his character.
Half the country hated Obama because he is black.


“Trump took pains on Tuesday to project an air of seriousness after facing a week of fierce criticism “
Oh I’m sure it pained him enough all right to keep his trap shut, and even MORE so to be told by the MAYOR and families and religious leaders his presence was UNWELCOME. And poor baby, yes his week was sooo fierce.

Alexx Level 3 Oct 30, 2018

I detest him and the GOP sent me a letter with his name on it wanting me to join the party. The letter starts out "dear friend." That's a bit more than presumptuous.

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