Billions of god-believers have had thousands for years to come up with valid reasons for believing their god(s) are real. Not one valid reason to believe in any god has yet appeared despite thousands of attempts to find one.
This is why not believing in a god is the most intellectually robust and unequivocally honest position to hold. And why believing in a god is neither intellectually sound nor honest.
With such an abysmal track record, the chances of anyone discovering a good reason to believe in any known god are now vanishingly small.
So we can reasonably consider God as good as dead.
I am guessing you don’t live in a deeply troubled political environment (Trumpworld doesn’t count!) or amongst religious/culture/racial persecution or surrounded by civil war. Believing in a god or gods is the most sensible ideology to make sense or to give hope in a shallow world when existing in those environments and can also elicit empowerment for some. Truth or untruth is irrelevant if it gets you through.
The evidence for the existence of any god is infinitesimally small but the need that many people have for a god is infinitely great, so many people believe in the unbelievable.