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Anyone have plantar fasciitis? What helped? I've self-diagnosed myself--pain in my left arch, especially first steps of the day. I've ditched my heels at work and i'm stretching. It has been a couple of weeks. I'm thinking about ordering some inserts for my shoes. Do I need professional help or did you find it resolved with time?

belikewater 6 Nov 4

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32 comments (26 - 32)

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Mine did not resolve until I got custom orthotics made. My daughter was the same way. I battled for several years, watching my weight, stretches, well supported low shoes, nothing helped (esp the first step in the morning). I hope that you find relief!

Zster Level 8 Nov 4, 2018

Exercise your arch using a tennis ball, 2 or 3 times a day...stand of the ball and roll it around your arch.

cava Level 7 Nov 4, 2018

i did. technically will always have it, because I was stupid and never went to the doctor about it till it was too late.
I'm finally at the point where I can get away with "good" off the shelf insoles (like Dr. Scholl’s gel inserts).
but for a very long time I had to use custom made inserts that cost a lot of money $$$
I ignored it till it was pure agony, sounds like your more at the beginning stages..
I would still go to your doctor..
only thing that really helps is good inserts, trying to stay off your feet, and to lose weight.


It was a sharp pain on the bottom of my heel and caused by over-flexing my ankle for too long on a roofing job. Gel inserts helped but it took a long time.


Stretching is the most important thing. And keeping it up. You probably need orthopedic shoes. Ugly as hell and expensive but worth it.


I got this from roofing work several years ago. It was pain in my heel. I wore shoe liners with thick padding in the heel, and tried not to flex my ankle much, that being what caused it. It took a couple months to completely go away.


Taping really helped me, watch a few different videos to learn different methods and learn enough anatomy and the mechanics of your arches to do it right, you have to tension the tape so it mimics the natural spring and support of your arches. Taping is useless unless done correctly, it's a spring not a bandage that should limit the range of motion and the amount of force absorbed by the arch. When you stand on it it should be very apparent that the tape is resisting the compression.

Most of the other commenters are right. I like tape because it's the closest to actual function of the arch but good shoes and pads might be very helpful

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