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Are there any right leaning non-believers in this group?

itsjustastory 4 Nov 5

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I personally have never come across a "right-leaning..." That I think is fine. We need variances of opinions. Pretty much everyone I've come across is a full-on, full-blown, Evangelical-like, Cult of Donald, racist (but to be fair I'm not sure they know it, but they use the language), Trumpanzee.

I miss the days when we could disagree, but we could always go back to love for our country and respect for science. Sadly, those days are gone.

I understand where you are coming from.


Far too many.


I support compassionate liberal capitalism. The regressive leftists regard me as right-wing.

I see that this more and more now...

Capitalism and compassion are antithetical. Capitalism creates wealth, but without government (ie democratic) oversight all that wealth would flow to the top and immiserate the majority, as we are seeing in the US right now.

@Gareth Your remarks apply to crony capitalism, NOT to classical liberal capitalism.

@PBuck0145 "classical liberal capitalism" ? Did you make that up, because google doesn't seem to have heard of it?

@Gareth Thank you for your interest. I use the adverb "classical" when referring to liberal capitalism to differentiate it from regressive leftism, which appears to be hijacking today's liberal narrative.


They are some hereon the site. There is a right wing political group int he groups section.

I saw, thank you...


That poses an interesting question. If you view trump as either the devil or a god, can you truly call yourself an atheist?

I just see him as the POTUS, nothing more or less...


"Self-identified atheists tend to be aligned with the Democratic Party and with political liberalism. About two-thirds of atheists, 69% identify as Democrats (or lean in that direction), and a majority (56%) call themselves political liberals (compared with just one-in-ten who say they are conservatives).

"Atheists overwhelmingly favor same-sex marriage (92%) and legal abortion (87%). In addition, three-quarters (74%) say that government aid to the poor does more good than harm.

"The more education a person receives, the more likely they are to become atheists. Non-belief also increases with intelligence and income."

Sources: Pew Research Center and Psychology Today.


Like @Gareth, I have blocked conservatives for attacking me personally and posting mean and offensive comments.

I must be a real free thinker then! I do lean to the right but I am in favor of same-sex marriage and legal abortion. I would say that government aid to the poor does do some good but the system is highly abused.

@Veteran229 if theyre mean to her specifically, im sure yes. If theyre mean to people who actively sound like fascists, no because I still see her. The notion that antifascism is as bad as fascism itself will find no love outside your average fearful conservative groups.


Out of 27 people I blocked, 26 were maleTrump-supporters.

One was a women who repeatedly attacked me personally. I don't know her politics.

The Pew Research Center and Psychology Today quotations match what I have observed. I guess I'm an exception to some of the statistics. I am a self-identified atheist but not a leftist, though I favor same sex marriage and abortion.

@LiterateHiker is that troll still here? I blocked his obnoxious ass.


I blocked him.


Of course there are, atheism is not synonymous with intelligence.

"The more education a person receives, the more likely they are to become atheists. Non belief also increases with intelligence and income." - from the above reply...

There have been leftist geniuses, leftist morons, right leaning geniuses, right leaning morons, religious geniuses, religious morons, atheist geniuses, and atheist morons — but a genius is a genius and a moron is a moron, regardless of their beliefs.

@itsjustastory Education is also not synonymous with intelligence. Look at Trump, he founded his own university!

@mattersauce lol... true story


There are. I can send you my block list - most of them have made it there by virtue of sheer stupidity.


When you get to level 4 come, join the group.

Thank you, I will...

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