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How do you feel about kids when dating? How many is too many? Do their ages matter? When is a good time to introduce them to your partner?

antman 7 Nov 9

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Ha! "How many is too many?!" I'm a single Mom (of two) and that question entirely depends on the time of day of any given day!! I have personally only ever introduced my children that are now 8 and 11 to one person that I dated since divorcing their Dad, and that was a year and a few months after we'd been dating. The 4 of us sat down and had a conversation like "this is my friend xxxxx, I wanted to introduce you because he's going to be coming around occasionally. He and I are dating, but we are friends first. He's not here to be your Dad at this time, he's another adult in our home and I'd like you to be respectful of such. The 3 of you get to determine what kind of relationship you would like to have; you can be friends, you can include him in things in your lives if you'd like, you can spend time getting to know him...or you don't have to do any of those things, but I do expect you to be respectful of each other when he is here." The three of them did grow a friendship on their own terms. And despite me giving him full reign to choose to take a more parental role when he was around them (ie. giving them direction to do things, coming to school events, giving them guidance, etc), he never did. 4 years in I realized he didn't really understand we were all actually a package deal - and that was enough for me. I suppose you need to ask yourself "are you going to be willing to be a step parent?" Because bottom line is, you aren't going to find a single Mom out there that isn't going to eventually want you to be a role model for the children. If that's not a role you are willing to take, just steer clear of the Moms. If it is a role you are willing to take on, take your time and build a relationship with them first - don't try to be an instant family.

Bethi Level 4 Nov 11, 2018

Can be any age.My teen daughter is a bit mortified by me seeing anyone.I think she thinks I'm too old to be dating!


They are part of the whole picture


I don't date people with children.


My experience has been, adult children ( 20's to 40's ) are more problematic than younger children. Teenagers are a whole different thing.


Not on the first date. On the second date maybe.


When my daughter Claire was age five to 10, I had the same boyfriend. Claire and Willy loved each other. She considered him her second father.

But when Claire was a pre-adolescent and a young teenager (age 11 to 15), I stopped dating for five years. I didn't want strange men going in and out of her life.

Claire started dating at age 16. That's when I began dating again. She was not interested in meeting men I dated. I respected her wish.


I have a young child of my own and three nephews/neice who are an important part of my life. I totally understand why someone would have reservations about dating a single parent. The kid(s) come first. They have to. That doesn't mean there isn't any love left for a partner, though.

On the introducing... Of the men I've dated since the divorce, two my son already knew (they were friends) and never knew them as anything other than mom's friend. I've recently introduced him to the guy I'm dating now, as a friend. We've been seeing each other for a few of months.


Uh, I prefer no kids, and that's because they will always come before you, especially if they are small. And I get that, but at the same time, I'd rather have the guy focused on us, and not on some small person.

On this issue, you're lucky to be a woman without kids because, unlike men like me who are our age, I don't have that many women to choose from that don't have kids, so I can't to be as choosy as you. And if that weren't bad enough in lowering the number of compatible women to meet on dating sites, it also appears, at least on Match, that most women our age who don't have kids are seeking only men who have kids. I'm guessing the reason for that is that, unlike you, they are thinking ahead and want a man with kids who will look after and comfort her when she is older and may end up widowed. That way her late partner's family would likely be there to comfort and look after her. So a childless couple-oriented person like you or me is seen as kind of a liability when we get to the end of middle age. The partner who already has kids is seen as the safe bet to provide the safety net the person missed out on by not having kids. Anybody agree?

@TomMcGiverin Well, it seems most of the men on the dating site I'm on already have kids or grandkids. And they always tend to post pictures with as if that would score additional points with women. It sure doesn't with me.

@BlackDove I'm sure they are trying to impress you with those to seem like the nicest, greatest guy in the world. Too bad for them they don't realize that like me, you're just not "family-oriented" so the family pics only hurt them in your eyes. But I'm sure the family man stuff works with most women since they have a different mindset than you and me.

@TomMcGiverin that is a pretty complex set of assumptions about what women want. I am sure it is based on your experiences, but I can assure you not all child-free women think that way. I figure the odds of finding a smart, interesting non-believer with whom I have chemistry is a tall enough order. I don't care whether he has kids or not. I will say I loved my ex's daughter. I was in her life from the time she was three until she was nine, and it ripped my heart out to lose her.


I have a no cats or kids policy. I have a strong allergic reaction to them. As for cats, I don't like how they climb up on stuff.



I try not to date children.

Should we be concerned that you said try? ?

You beat me to it... darn!


Being older than you, I can deal with adult kids that are already their own. That's it.

Though I will mention someone I dated, where it might have gone farther had he not had a dog that he spoiled so intensely - it meant he would walk it at 3am, never go away, and never spend the night away from home. Thanks - but no.


I’m 48, I expect anyone I date most likely has children. I would imagine, the younger the children the more challenging it is.
I have not introduced any gentlemen to them since my divorce. I figure it really needs to be someone I’m seriously involved with and that hasn’t happened yet.


It depends which stage of life you're in. I've dated a lady 2 years younger than me with an 8 year old kid. At first, I thought it was great. I've been there and raised two successful daughters. I can help. Boy was I wrong. My ex wife had to tell me, nope keep your mouth shut. Never tell how a mother should raise her child. It was hell for me, keeping my mouth shut as a 45 min conflict about going to bed. I never had that problem. Both my girls are successful because of the self-discipline that was instill in them at a very early age and not losing my shit (no matter what, modeling behavior for them). And I've seen the consequences of not disciplining for love would do for a young adult from the perspective of a single mom. It's heartbreaking. No judgement, just observation and understanding why. So, the answer is there is no correct answer... just what is comfortable for you and you won't know until you try.


Personally, I enjoy the company of children, they are open, honest and great fun to be around, often far better than adults are.
Having said that, I must say that I have met some children whose parents most definitely need some very in-depth guidance on teaching their children respect for others, the rules and behaviours that they should follow, etc.
But, overall, I'd be glad to meet up with someone who has a child in tow, so to speak, I know from personal experience that being a Single/Sole Parent is a bloody hard road to haul and often the child/children can and will make it even harder.


Well I am new to kids and dating. I have two so I wouldn't mind dating someone with kids. If there is a connection, the amount and age shouldn't and probably wouldn't matter much to me. I probably would hold off on introducing them for a while during the beginning getting to know each other stage but after a few month of dating I'd be fine with it. Maybe as a friend at first and then as a partner later on if the relationship continues on.


I guess when there is a kid involved their needs come first. So as a family its kinda like being on a ship sometimes your going to have to be the captain and take initiative and building a foundation and rapport so everyone can live in harmony.

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