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We were evacuated because of the Cali fire. I have received so many thoughts and prayers. What do I do with those?

goldrose 7 Nov 11

Enjoy being online again!

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It could be that you don't deserve kindness from others whatever form it comes in. If you can't be grateful for others' consideration, you may be a shallow pond.


Hope your house makes it. Keep the kind thoughts. Set the prayers free....

Stig Level 5 Nov 11, 2018

Up in smoke too...
But good thoughts to you...


file them lol but it shows people care I guess or pretend too?


Trade them in for bit coin! Quick! God knows how the internet love some prayers. ?


Return to sender in the mail..happy to know you're safe..


Sorry about the fire. As for what to do with thoughts and prayers - Not a clue.


Trade them for the Indulgences? They probably have comparable market value.

But seriously. I am sorry to hear that. And I am hoping that my platitudes are fractionally more .... useful....


Yard sale?

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