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I just watched a movie on Netflix

“Look Who’s Back” a German film with subtitles!

It Scare me like no other movie since my youth!

It is about if Adoft Hitler returned NOW!

He a raises present day in Berlin at the location of the Furherbunker!

He is quickly mistaken for a brilliant comedian, that becomes a media phenomenon!

It gave me goosebumps of pure fear!

trump and the rise of the republican fascists are echoed and mirrored using the same rhortic as used by Hitler from 1919 till he was elected by the German people in 1933 to lead Germany!

trump was laughed at in the beginning!

Are we as people of this country going to repeat a history not our own?

Nationalism is becoming the norm not the Exception!

Fascism is a disease that must be eradicated from our shores before there is no return!

Keep America Great we were always great!

Let us keep it that way, stop this disease of Fascism now before it is too late!

Yes, in the end trump like Hitler has/had too much too do in their and our daily lives than should ever have be allowed!

of-the-mountain 9 Nov 11

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Great movie! I saw it about a month ago!


I saw that one a while back. I thought the same of what the movie was trying to convey.


That is a great movie everyone should see!!!


I can certainly agree with you. The big problems with American Fascism is that people do not believe you if they are still making money and are prosperous. What the average person does not see is that the rich would not care which system we had one way or the other. They would still be rich even if we had menial jobs and no rights.


What if Trump serves 4-8 years and nothing of the such happens? The right compared Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama to Hitler too. The left also compared Bush II to Hitler. I think it's an insult to history and the people who ACTUALLY feared and suffered under Hitler. These comparisons really are ridiculous.

Yes! Just what the German people stated!

Hitler is a joke, he will never amount to anything!

Yes! Over 100 million killed and murdered, Europe laid in massive Ruin!

Over 150 million individuals displaced!

YES comparisons to here and now are so ridiculous!

Like so many others you just laugh it off!

Good luck with that kind of thinking!?

@of-the-mountain Good luck with that kind of thinking? Stop conflating what Hitler DID to what you THINK someone else might do. 4 presidents and a presidential candidate have ALL been compared to Hitler just in the last 24 years or so. ALL OF THEM CONSECUTIVELY! None of them are Hitler or even close to Hitler. Their presidencies have come and gone! Does anyone retract their words? No. They are all their own special blend of assholes, but Hitler? Good luck with MY kind of thinking? Holy shit! Will you retract your words and admit the lunacy of comparing Trump to Hitler and the fear mongering (whether it's intentional or not) when his presidency is over? How many people said that Obama was going to confiscate everyone's guns and declare martial law? People who do this are running into Alex Jones territory. And I'm not laughing it off either. I just think you, along with other people, just love sound bytes and base their whole opinion off of what's popular and sensational.


only an highly uneducated mental degenerate would compare previous presidents of this country to Hitler!

Only a moronic idiot would consider that trump is nothing like Hitler and his Fascists followers!

Only lunatic here is you for being so blind as to condone what is going on as some kind of
Overt joke!

The problem is You and others who always dismiss what is too close to ruining your so called world view, your fantasy of what is actually happening right under your nose!

Nationalism is just another way of spewing Fascism!

No need to respond!

@Piece2YourPuzzle. You sir are a jackass! when Donald Trump says the media is the enemy of the people, I have news for you, Jackass! The person who says that media is the enemy of the people is himself the enemy of the people! Why don't you take your stupid ideas somewhere else like to hell if there was a hell! He is trying to silence the people who object to his stupid ideas by taking their credentials away so they can't come to the White House! That is very hitleresque! Dumb people like yourself who don't know history are condemned to repeat their stupid hitleresque history, jackass! Oh yeah, I almost forgot, did I mention you're a jackass? I am so sick of otherwise intelligent people defending the guy who said it's okay to grab a Woman by the pussy!

@Stilltrying1964 You're a fear mongering simpleton. Who the fuck is defending him? He's despicable with the things he says and does. He's NO HITLER!!! ReASSess who the jackass is here because it's YOU! And in 2 or 6 more years people like you will have confirmation bias as he's leaving office saying that he was denied being able to actually do what Hitler already did. Wow, we all really dodged a bullet there! You fucking nincompoop!

@of-the-mountain Take your dumb fucking ass over to Alex Jones and get a job with him.

I understand that you simpletons always have to lash out and insult when you don't really have an argument otherwise, but it's pretty tiring seeing how dumb some Americans are.

You guys also putting words in my mouth that I DEFEND a slime ball like Trump is really moronic. If you had the mental capacity to distinguish between two or more ideas then you would be dangerous.

It's pretty obvious that some on the left are just as fucking dumb and tribal as some of those on the right. I'm a liberal and I'm appalled at the stupidity of some of you.

@of-the-mountain Learn what things actually fucking mean. You can be a nationalist without being a fascist. You can't be a fascist without being a nationalist.

And tell me just what MY world view is since you know. My fantasy of what is happening right under my nose? WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT EVEN MEAN? Lol


Because you are an insane irate mental case I am blocking you!

I do not deal with immature imbeciles!

@of-the-mountain, @Stilltrying1964 If either of you want to face the truth and take back your idiotic words then skip to 5:00 of this video where Noam Chomsky says that Trump is "well short of what we regard as fascism" and that "Nixon did the same thing".

Nobody is defending Trump or saying that he isn't a jerk or even dangerous, but to equate him to HITLER is fucking moronic. It's great to see that such a low level IQ guy like Chomsky agrees with me. That was sarcasm in case your pea brains couldn't comprehend.

@Piece2YourPuzzle I can assure you I'm no simpleton, sir! Nor am I a fear monger! You clearly have little grasp on reality, and thus, like Michelle Obama, I will take the high road and leave it at that. Fortunately for ignorant types like yourself, the 1st Amendment protects your ability to broadcast your own ignorance. So go right ahead and do so. Just please don't run for office. Additionally, you seem to be missing the point that things you and others may be viewing as insignificant in Crumps actions will lead to much worse if not nipped in the bud.


so great! i loved this movie. it's disturbing, but thought provoking and a wonderful conversation.


I started watching that a few years ago. I had to stop.
It was too disturbing.


Looks like I'll have to add that to my collection. I've noted the rise of tRump : Nazi correlation for years. It also scares me.

Me too

It's a great movie, chock full 'o gallows humor too. Worth the subtitles.

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