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The new norm is trying to silence those you don't agree with here. How nice for someone to falsely claim a certain politician is Hitler or fascist and that I support him, and then block me from a conversation where they threw out the first insults so that I can't participate any longer. Apparently, all liberals need to be engaged in groupthink or else we get banned from the "club".

People really need to study words and what they mean. It's important and it actually means something outside of your own head.

"I just watched a movie on NetFlix........" (user: of-the-mountain)

Piece2YourPuzzle 8 Nov 12

Enjoy being online again!

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Yeah, I'm not a right winger in the least. I don't support Trump. I don't support the GOP. I don't support racism. I don't support discrimination towards gays or any other denomination in the LGBTQ group or any other minority. I'm not a fan of corporations. I'm against the death penalty. I do support reducing the military budget, and getting out of the wars we're in. I support health care for all. I support same sex marriage. I support social security. I support sensible gun laws, but I also support the 2nd amendment. I support a woman's right to choose. I believe humans have contributed greatly to climate change. I support the separation of church and state. I'm a fan of Noam Chomsky for fuck sake.

But I'm sure that won't get in the way of some of you thinking otherwise. Some who think I am a right winger have taken one topic and twisted my words and/or actually put words in my mouth and ignore everything else I believe in, and then they slap a label on me that makes no sense. They also don't understand definitions of words and what they mean. Sorry I don't agree with every bullshit criticism about a politician who you think is equal to Hitler or a fascist.

@Mortal I don't like the Republican Party, and just because I'm a liberal doesn't mean that I like the Democrat Party. I don't support parties. I support the ideologies of a liberal. Big difference. There are also conservative Democrats. The two parties are the same in terms of corporations and foreign policy. When I say that, it doesn't mean I'm a right winger.

I didn't blame you for anything. I blamed someone else for not understanding my damn argument. It was as plain as day. I DO state my opinions clearly and succinctly. Saying that Trump is not equal to Hitler or a fascist is NOT supporting Trump or racism or sexual predators etc. That is very ignorant to claim as one other poster in this thread has claimed. Why is that statement unclear or so damn hard to understand, and why should my words be twisted or new words I didn't say be put in my mouth? Who am I being sympathetic towards by saying what I said? Should I agree with someone who is obviously stating a falsehood just not to seem sympathetic with right wingers, which isn't even being sympathetic towards right wingers in the first place? Also, saying that someone misunderstands me is characteristic of a right winger?

Maybe you and other liberals, whether you're conservative, moderate, or more left leaning should learn how to differentiate and understand actual definitions and also be able to parse what people are actually saying.

And what's with the video? It has little to do with what we're talking about and I don't need an "education" on what's happened in the recent past in politics or the world. I know plenty about both parties or sides of the spectrum. More than most people care to know about. Obama even said he would be considered a moderate Republican in the 80s. Trump is also not a "Republican", or did you forget just before the election he was a "Democrat" hobnobbing with the Clintons? He's a faux populist businessman opportunist out for himself. The video basically described the Democrats as not having a backbone or really standing up for liberal ideals. It also basically calls them out for being corporate friendly. Most Democrat politicians today are "neo-liberals". There is a difference. "There is too much at stake" is used in every election since the beginning of time. Maybe we should actually believe that and act like it's true. Then maybe we wouldn't keep settling for "neo-liberals" thinking that they are going to go against the status quo including licking corporate assholes. Maybe we should support liberal politicians who won't cow tow to the Republicans. The video is a great promotion against the Democrats for liberal voters. After all, "there's too much at stake" to support a party that constantly bends the knee.

Ask any person outside of the U.S. where they think Democrat politicians fall on the political spectrum, and you might be surprised. Maybe you will ask them to be more clear and succinct in their opinions, or maybe you will just twist and shit on their words like you were right all along.


There is nothing stopping you from making your own topic.. if someone makes a thread and doesnt like what you say on their topic and blocks you.. oh well.. you SHOULD be thinking 'good riddance' and not 'woe is me'..

Unless its happened to you more than then a few times, then you should be thinking, 'why am I coming across as such a douchebag that people feel the need to block me?'



Pfff. The little right-wing snowflakes are the ones who block me. ?


Grow up


Pffft. You're getting riled up about being blocked from a conversation on te interwebz? And somehow it's the liberals who are snowflakes...

@jorj Even less excuse for acting like a butthurt broflake, then.

Yeah, I AM a liberal.

@Piece2YourPuzzle then stop whining and move on. Sheesh, you're giving us a bad name.

@MrBeelzeebubbles I'll talk about whatever the fuck I want to. You didn't have to come on here. I'm giving you a bad name, but you probably support the same Democrat politicians that have plagued society for the last 25 years.

@OwlInASack You're full of shit. You're a decent human being? I'll take a play out of your own play just claim to be one. Your words don't match with your claim.

@jorj I'll definitely join that club.

@OwlInASack Really? When did you address my actual points instead of putting words in my mouth and telling me I am something that I'm not? I think you need to reassess the words you use. All liberals are not Democrats. Learning the spectrum of political affiliations might help you. It might help you be more tolerant of the liberals who don't kiss all Democrat politicians asses. Sadly, I don't see you developing that. Also, context is key when having a conversation. This is something in which you lack understanding. If you did understand, you wouldn't have had the same reaction to my "Apparently, all liberals need to be engaged in groupthink or else we get banned from the "club"." quote. Sarcasm is magical if you understand it. This is not an insult to "all liberals". Try to keep up sunshine, and also try to stop thinking like the "other side".


I have never blocked anyone here and I post more anti-trump posts than anyone else. I don't believe in blocking people because I am a Leftist and they are Right-Winged.


Except when they really are fascist.


I think the worst fault on both sides is painting the "other" group with a broad brush.

Those kinds of generalizations accomplish nothing.

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