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Should more atheists speak out against religion or keep their views to themselves?

Asking All of u

Greenheart 7 Nov 13

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I have been on here a while now .... Would love to talk to u having difficulty replying to u on agnostic . Com


Speaking out against religion... is like pissing against the wind. One cannot argue logically with "believers", just like science and faith are opposed. Most "Christians" that I know just "block off all forms of logic". Ergo, no point in discussing.

You put it so well. Couldn’t have said it any better myself!thanks Carlos!?


The best use of knowledge is to impart it share it , inform those that r less knowledgeable. If we don't then the religionists remain undistirbed on their platform and they become deeper entrenched in their delusion.


i don't think speaking out against religion would be effective in what i think should be our primary objective, which is equal rights for atheists. i think our efforts should be directed toward separation of church and state, eliminating the law against atheists running for elected office in the states that still have that law, and good public relations (and thus good acceptance) for atheists. speaking out against religion itself can be counterproductive, and can also be seen as violating freedom of religion. we want to enforce freedom FROM religion, not deprive others of their freedoms. people should be free to be as dumb as they want as long as they keep it out of our faces. EDIT: this doesn't mean we should not speak our minds. we should be free to express ourselves. however, it isn't necessary to tell that woman on the other side of walmart that her ass is hanging out, and it is just as unnecessary to tell every religionist you meet that s/he is nucking futs. pick your battles.




If the religous confront me about their religion I will tell them I’m not a believer and don’t worry about going to hell. Otherwise I keep my mouth shut for the most part.


I feel no particular need to disparage religion; it is self-evident nonsense and is self-refuting, and so doesn't need me to invalidate it. And people who insist on adhering to it are not going to have their minds changed by anything I say.

What I in fact do is speak out against attempts by religion to impose its values and rulesets and beliefs on the general public, and on any other harmful mischief it gets itself up to. I focus on real harms. If people want to harm themselves that's their "privilege"; just don't harm others in the process. Believe what you want, but keep it out of the public sphere.


I won't start a conversation about it in a grocery store or at restaurant or at any place that opportunity arises . Oh and it does . It has to be really annoying and to my face for me to open mouth and , when I open mouth , someone counts the dead bodies .
On nowdays I use social media and I open mouth when it's possible to influence the young . Young kids and teens ask me how to do my job or my career or this and that . I make sure they understand that I do not owe anything to gods or devils . Young kids want to know what I think of afterlife , karma , spirits , Jesus , Xmas , Easter , and life . I am more than happy to tell them at age appropriate level ea time . Some parents roll their eyes , some agree , some are not involved anyways .
" Santa is not coming Jonathan . But u can be a Santa any time u want to any shelter animal or any shelter for humans anywhere in this shity town we live "


It's a case by case type of deal. Learn to pick your fights. Example..... If making a stand may have a negative impact with my employer then no one needs to know.


I believe we ALL should keep our beliefs to ourselves and like-minded unless asked, but since that won't happen and the church is so involved with our secular laws..we have to speak up.

Why, exactly should we keep our beliefs to ourselves?
Remaining silent is, to my mind, the fools way of doing things.

really? when we are inundated three months out of every year (because christians won't be doing what you think they should be doing) with xmas, we should set a good example and keep our mouths shut? i don't think we should try to persuade or dissuade one another regarding religion, but we MUST open our mouths about giving nonbelievers the same rights believers enjoy.



Keep Your Theology
Off My Biology

... is a bumper sticker on my car. In my 20s, my favorite button said:

Keep Your Rosaries
Off My Ovaries

We must stop anti-abortion, religious activists from stripping reproductive rights from women.

The only time I give the finger is to protesters at Planned Parenthood. I live in a Christian, rural, Republican-dominated town in Eastern Washington.


We should definitely speak out against religion more than we do.
It has far too much influence. That needs to stop.


I'm for speaking out FOR the merits of atheism or agnosticism, and AGAINST the harm religions can do or justify.


I suppose we have just as much right to speak our thoughts as anyone else.


I think we should all laugh loudly at everything religious thing until the rest stop taking it all seriously. I'll expand on that with my reason. If we are quiet and respectful of theirs views, they will believe that we also believe but just don't like to say so. It reinforces their delusion. So laugh and make them question.


Always speak the truth, never hide behind fiction/mysticism.

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