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Who is the woman in history you admire and draw strength from and why?

Sunsetmermaid 5 Nov 14

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Lyudmila Pavlichenko


Rosa Luxemburg, the anti-war-activist and revolutionary socialist. She fought for the working class, opposed the capitalist system and yet was not afraid to also criticize Lenin and his followers for their approach in the Bolshevik revolution. Great woman with a sense of justice, who only could be stopped by violence.


Eleanor Roosevelt. I am an introvert like her that thinks deeply and feels other people's pain. Like her, I want to be the one pulling the puppet strings rather than the puppet.

Buxx Level 7 Nov 15, 2018

Ayn Rand, Oriana Fallaci, Hypatia, Sappho, Camille Paglia, Tara Smith - that's a good start.


Maya Angelou


Lady Bathory. JK!


Madalyn Murray O'Hair
O'Hair is best known for the Murray v. Curlett lawsuit, which challenged the policy of mandatory prayers and Bible reading in Baltimore public schools.​​


Mary Mallon - [] - she liked to give of herself, and wouldn't bow down to patriarchal oppression.


Marilyn Monroe...I am particularly drawn to the tragedy and unhappiness behind such a beautiful woman .


Helen Keller - One of my favorite quotes is by her, although slightly bastardized "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. Security does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than exposure.", that and what she was able to accomplish with her limitations.

I agree and would add her teacher, Anne Sullivan, who was amazing too.


Helen Keller and Eleanor Roosevelt.


Harriett Tubman. She was brave and kept doing what she was doing. She helped so many to freedom.


Ayn Rand: an author, philosopher, genius, and courageous woman.


Most of them.

Jnei Level 8 Nov 14, 2018

Helen Keller.


Rosa Parkes who refused to give up her seat to a white person and changed a bit of history. Also Amelia Earhart and all the suffragettes

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