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Anyone want to move to hawaii? Let's all have an adventure.

Likeminds 4 Nov 14

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DUNNO about "moving there"... but, going on a cruise there SOON.


Calgon! Take me away!


Some freinds of mine just bought a house on the big island.


I was born there... Raised on Sashimi and I am the only child with no bronzed baby shoes. lol

I have no desire to go back.


I've been to Hawaii twice and was a little disappointed. IMO the beaches in Florida are better. There is too much volcanic rock on Hawaiian beaches. The islands are small and it seems very confining. If I lived there it would seem that after one year I would have seen everything. Hawaii is a lot of hype.


I'm in. In about 3 years.


Lemme know when anyone makes it to the big island, and I'll meet you at the airport, especially if it's Hilo airport. I've lived on Oahu and Kauai, had lengthy visits to Maui and Molokai, and now live on the east side of the big island. I loved them all and will visit them again if finances allow, but I couldn't complain if I never again leave the big island. I'll extol it's vertues to anyone who makes it this far.
P.S. rock fever is a thing, but even though I am claustrophobicbic, and used to regularly drive a truck across the mainland and back, I've never gotten it, even when I was on a much smaller island. But results can vary, you may have a different experience.


Non natives who live there (I've visited a few times) tell me it is nicknamed The Rock because after about 2 years you have done everything and realize you are on an island in the middle of a big ocean.


I’ll be flying in to Honolulu in Late January. See ya there.


It's expensive to live in Hawaii. I'd do it if I had more resources.

Yes ,....the price of food in Hawaii is outrageous. Everything is imported to the islands so it costs more.

@nicknotes there are, really, a lot of fish in the sea. Fish is good for you. Plus there is fresh fruit all season long.

@Likeminds yeah plus there's the coffee (really good), macadamia nuts, pineapple. It's a choice, you get stuff, you give stuff up.

Good luck spending your days trying to catch fish and picking fruit. I think the best thing is to visit and see for yourself what Hawaii is like. I believe you will be disappointed. On my trips to Hawaii I shopped in the Supermarket because the restaurant prices were outrageous.....everything was very expensive including fish and fruit. Hawaii is all hype....if you want to spend your days on beautiful tropical beaches visit Florida. @Likeminds

@nicknotes Actually, I was in Honolulu for a conference in 1992, and spent a couple of days on Maui afterwards. It was pretty and everything, but I was struck, as a NC resident, with how small the beaches were. And you're right, everything is reeeal expensive.

@Likeminds, @zeuser []

Did you rent a car on Maui? Did you discover that there are only a few miles of good road and some very narrow roads where you have to hug the side because a car is coming in the opposite direction. The roads are terrible. @zeuser

@nicknotes Yeah, I did, a little tiny one - pretty much everybody had a really small car. However,there aren't too many places to go. I enjoyed it anyway.

I agree...Hawaii is good to visit at least once in your life but don't over do it. @zeuser

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