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Why does it seem that so called Christians and other “peaceful” religions are becoming more hostile and choosing harmful parts of the Bible to condemn people? I thought Christians were supposed to be accepting of others yet lately they’ve become cruel and judgmental. What’s going on in the world to make them so nasty and mean?

Mlwhite76 2 Feb 9

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Since, I come out of the Evangelical Religion, i can say that it was always there and spoken about. I remember it clearly! But, the judgemental part does seem to carry more weight now! Not only that...but the Evangelical black/white view is delivered with such determination and frequency ...that it can fool the unexamined 'mind.' From a distance, it looks like passion...for something real and meaningful! And passion, helps all of us to feel, 'alive!' Then 'they' seem to be blind to the consequences of their thoughts and actions. It becomes a fight for their 'belief system!' And, if your 'inner core' completely depends on this 'system of beliefs,' you will fight for it...even unto death! I have heard people say many times...'I would lay down my life for my beliefs!' Their beliefs and their person, is all the same. It is their way of 'existing' in the world! And, to separate them from their beliefs...would feel like a kind of death! And rightly old warn out beliefs, should die and it is indeed scary when you delve deep into your own nature! We can't be sure what we will find there? The philosopher's were on to something, when they said, 'an unexamined life, is not worth living.' I may be paraphrasing here. But, out of examination comes, real freedom to be...who and what we are! And adjustments from that position, is simply a way to grow as a human being...even when you know that it may not always feel comfortable, examining one's self.


They want their apocalypse NOW!

jeffy Level 7 Feb 9, 2018

Nothing new, nothing unique to Christianity, nor even religion. Political and social movements do it too. It's a human thing, and it's been going on forever.


Its money... scare you enough to send that donation in. Those assholes will say anything to work on your emotion and get you to send them money.


The bible, and religions in general, is just a smorgasbord of multiple choices to fit any agenda. (In My Humble Opinion)


This is NOT anything remotely 'new'. The christians like to say they're "peaceful", yet their history is nothing short of the exact opposite. Historically, christianity has been among the more violent and hateful of the mainstream religions.
They use their bible as justification to get away with whatever bullshit they please.
By and large, most religions have always been "nasty and mean".
What actually surprises me is that you seem genuinely surprised by this.


When the bible says thou shalt not kill it only means don't kill other Jews. The whole Abrahamic tradition was founded on violence and hate. Religious people are losing control of the world so they are doubling down and becoming more violent, again. They are scared that they are wrong and so they lash out at anyone who doesn't fit their ideology.


This isn't new. "Hell-fire and damnation" Christians have been around for a long, long time.


I think everyone is getting nasty and mean now adays. Movements like meetoo and black lives matter may have say they have good intentions to solve some real problems that we have, and no doubt some of those people have their heart in the right place, but in the end, I think they are more akin to hate groups and witch hunts. I say this, because I'd make the same comment about religion. It seems like a type of civil war is coming. Just my two cents...

Just like the women's march last year. I bet most of them didn't even know it was a demonstration for establishing sharia law in the US.

I don't think humanity is any worse now than it's always been. Humans have always been nasty and mean to each other.

@jayneonacobb surely, you jest on this one?

@freedompath, the woman who organized the March did so in the name of sharia law. She is a major supporter of its establishment in the US. That was the most anti-feminist thing I've ever seen.

@jayneonacobb I have very involved long time Democrat neighbors that attended that march, if they had any idea it was connected to sharia law, they would not be there, same with people in my daughters area in North Carolina. Please ck and make sure that you have not picked up on a conspiracy theory. In the spring, there is to be another one.

No conspiracy theory, look it up, she's awful. I forget her name, but she is a big advocate for sharia.

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