John Kasich Seriously Considering Challenging Trump in 2020 - Kudos For a Republican Stepping Up To a Tyrant
Isn't Kasich the one who claims voter fraud, found none but purged a bunch of voters and does seem to support voter suppression tactics?
No that was Trump's crony who just lost Governorship in Midesest-Chris Kullack?
@sassygirl3869 TY, I was gulity of the very thing I complain about but I did try and google and could not even remember it was the defunked commission into voter fraud until I read your reply.
no kudos for kasich. he talks the talk but he doesn't walk the walk. he isn't even moderate; he only appears to be moderate because trump and the other republicans are so damned extreme. anyway, i don't WANT a "viable" republican to run. i don't want the republican party to exist. it is no longer a political party. it's a criminal organization posing as a political party. i would never vote for a republican; i never voted for one when the party was actually a party. i will vote for a democrat no matter who it is, and that's not party loyalty. that's just sanity.
John sounds like a moderate, and is better than about 90% of most Repubs, but he is still a vote against women and their reproductive rights. I couldn't vote for him unless he can get off the religious boat of keeping women from birth control and abortion.
And anti union