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The way I define trolls is that they are folks on the internet that cause mischief. I believe that there are different types of trolls. Some are good. Some are bad. The good ones are merry pranksters or people that just like to engage in thought provoking debates. The bad ones are just straight up bullies.

MrControversy 7 Nov 28

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As long as they don't go eating my goats, I'm okay with them.


I’m not a troll. I am an ogre so please get it right


What's the difference between a "good" troll and a passionate debater ?

passionate debaters exist. good trolls don't.



that isn't my definition. i don't think it's anyone else's definition, either. it isn't why they're called trolls, either. the original term is trawlers, yes, just like the net-fishermen. they drag the seas and see what they can come up with. trawlers on the net throw out the net of an inflammatory post or comment and see what kind of response they can catch. it got shortened to trolls because it's easy to imagine little guys who hide under bridges and accost unwary travelers, and you might well think some of those are merry pranksters, but thought-provoking debate is NOT what a troll wants. people who engage in those things are called conversationalists. they're not trolls.


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