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Got compared to Jason Mamoa today. I know all we have in common is a beard and long hair but I was still flattered lol. Feel free to roast me and tell me who I really look like lol

RustyShackelford 1 Nov 30

Enjoy being online again!

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Not seeing the resemblance but you're not ugly either.


idk, gimme a pic in a loin cloth


Somebody was trying to butter you up! There is no one like the Mamoa. Lol

@CommonHuman he is beautiful on the inside and out


I hope you can do a better wedding night with Daenerys Targaryen !

@Merseyman1 Now that you mention this.... There is a scene where Khal is "working" her from the back while she is steering at the dinosaur eggs and she had this creepy smirk when according to the unfolding of things (no pun intended) she wasn't enjoying any of that....never understood that seen. I wonder if you catch that split second as well?

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