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What do atheists put on the top of their christmas tree?

lauraleigh38 6 Dec 6

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I would put whatever people usually place there - a star or an angel, I think.


How about this?

They never get the eyes right... But I approve!

@Lucifer thank you, oh evil one! ?

@balou I'm not evil... lol I'm against everything the Bible actually promotes. Ignorance over knowledge, blind devotion, slavery, rape, genocide, discrimination of any kind, inequality, murder, child abuse, molestation, etc. The list goes on and on. For the record, I'm against all of that sort of thing. 😉

@Lucifer Oh, I know. I was just messing with you! lol


A stuffed red glove giving the finger to an angel.


What christmas tree?

I was about to say . What tree are we talking about ??


My what? We don't support either killing trees (even ones grown for the purpose) or plastic house sculptures in our living space. There are more productive ways to celebrate the season.

Came here for a punchline, got this excellent straight answer instead. Not disappointed--I feel the same way.


anything you want.
I love lighted white trees for showing off ornaments, but it's always been everyone else to put the tree up. I'm a slug about it. Used to be a tradition late dh's family to "find the pickle" on a green tree.
Well that tradition crossed my mind the other day when I saw a white glass "sperm" ornament. LOL
"Find the wiggly thing kids!" / jk sorta


Sexy shirtless Jesus posing with his hands behind his head. Of course.


An outdated smartphone to symbolism the consumerism of it all..


What tree? Nothing, I guess...if I had one, a bow...


I have a weeping angel from Dr. Who as my tree topper. It works ! My tree is a mix of Star Wars , Star Trek, and dr who ornaments. Just don’t blink.

Ohub Level 7 Dec 8, 2018

Proper atheists don’t have Christmas trees—they have Yule trees. A star is a perfectly reasonable adornment for a Yule tree. Stars evoke wonder, awe and beauty. No one has a patent on Stars.


You assume wrongly that I have a tree in my house.


I haven't put up a tree or decorated for Christmas since my divorce. 10 years, I have always hated giving gifts on a particular day, I still get gifts for my friends and family, but I give them when I feel like it. You have to think outside the box to deal with the BS.


I don't put up a tree , y would I ?

I don't know. Why would you? 🙂


A pentagram.


A tree topper. Are you new to this Christmas tree thing? 🙂


I have a Christmas fairy on top of my tree because I like dressing dolls. Here in Spain even totally non-religious people set up complex nativity displays as detailed as model railway layouts simply for the fun of doing it. They are cultural catholics but when you talk to them they don't really believe anything.


I don't have one this year, but I can see plenty of conifers out of my windows. Right now they have snow on top. That looks nice.
What if we invented stuff you sprayed on Xmas trees and it looked like snow?? We'd be rich!

@maturin1919 ads run at 3:00 am on stations no one gets


My ? lives in my Harry Potter closet under the stairs.


We had a kewl star for awhile, then got a neat santa treetopper.


I thought this was a joke!




A star!


This is mine.

Adorable! I love the big bear up there...and of course, all the critters...very nice and fits you!

@thinktwice Other than the icicles and snowflakes, all my ornaments are animals of all kinds. The Santa bear is my usual tree topper. I don’t think I’m putting up a tree this year though.


Why put anything on top of the tree? Why not let it reach for the sky unhindered?

While growing up, we just had an ornamental tree topper, no star or angel. When my kids were little, we would sometimes make a topper out of paper. Now, I don't usually have a tree at all, and if I do, it's just a tiny thing, no need for a topper. I try to keep them green and living, not stunt them. Unfortunately, I don't have much of a green thumb.


I’m sure most of us put the same crap as everybody else.....

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