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Trump Says He is Totally Cleared After Mueller's Report on Michael Cohen - Do You Think He's Dillusional or Just a Professional Liar?

sassygirl3869 9 Dec 8

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Both and he is also an idiot. If trump says he is cleared we all know he is not.


I think if his lips or fingers move he is lying.


He can't read so we know he is lying.


He remains an unbearable bully human! He stated he sometimes tells the truth we just never know when.


Both, been a liar his whole life and his brain is gone so we know he's delusional.


Professional Liar to be sure. His base votes and the Trump Republicans will believe whatever he says regardless. He is using the strategy of “if you tell a lie often enough” people will believe you.


Hasn't he already proved, over and over, what kind of person he is????

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