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I have heard many object to medicine and how it is practiced but i wonder how many have not been helped or possibly die from homeopathic drugs or practices. I have seen many common and stupid drugs on the market claiming great results for everything under the sun. I firmly believe that this industry needs regulations and FDA approval before they can market these drugs as cures for anything.

Marine 8 Dec 13

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I have had fabulous results with homeopathics over the years! I wouldn't want to be without them. And no, it's not the placebo effect, because occasionally something didn't work even though I believed that it might. These remedies are perfectly safe, as compared to the myriad and dangerous pharmaceuticals which can create havoc with the body.The FDA is in bed with the pharmaceutical companies, and their unspoken motto is "profit over people." They don't want us to have access to natural healing substances (hemp, cannabis, Bio Identical HRT) because those substances can't be patented.


from the comments here i gather most people have a new definition for homeopathy, but here is the actual definition:

"the treatment of disease by minute doses of natural substances that in a healthy person would produce symptoms of disease."

i think today the word is used to mean any kind of treatment that isn't ordered by a doctor! here is a definition i found that appears to me to misuse the original concept:

"Homeopathy is an alternative medical practice in which extremely dilute amounts of certain natural substances are used to treat various ailments."

the words "minute" and "natural" are in both definitions, but boy oh boy are they otherwise different!

oddly, i was born in the hospital named after the man who invented homeopathy: samuel christian hahnemann. i think he would be shocked at how the term is used, and how the new meaning is put into practice, today. i cannot speak for or against his theory but i can say that it's not what's happening today in the name of homeopathy. i am guessing that pasteur knew about the original concept and developed his ideas about vaccines partly as a result. you can't beat that with a stick. that's not what homeopathy is or means today and when you buy a so-called homeopathic product you don't know whether you're getting a poison or a placebo.

but it's dangerous to throw the baby out with the bath water and there are natural substances that have their uses in healing. there are no panaceas, and so-called homeopathic products are touted as panaceas (when in fact many of them are not even monoceas, and yes, i just made up that word). i would not scoff at every single natural substance used (in minute amounts or otherwise) for a specific proven purpose, just because it's not a chemical medicine, but i certainly scoff at the industry that has arisen around so-called homeopathy. if something tells you it's good for everything it's probably good for nothing.



My late sister in law,was a big believer in the "Essential Oils" and herbs,not trusting of modern medicine,succumbing to cancer in 2017.


When I had cancer a coworker offered to pray over me. Another was telling me about some kind of hokey vitamin shit but I chose the cancer institute

It worked.

Good for you


I don't know any that object to medicine per se but I know many who object to the greedy for profit US healthcare system.

Agree all health insurance and healthcare should be non profit as Blue Cross and Blue Shield once was and at that time the most wanted coverage.


the fda is as much controlled by lobbyists as any other agency or agent. it approves things that are harmful and disapproves things that may be helpful but conflict with an existing drug that will lose money if it has competition.

as for homeopathic cures, people make wild claims and others are harmed by believing those claims, but there are simple things that work, not for everything, but for specific ailments. cloves DO ease a toothache. it won't fix a broken leg. marijuana IS being shown to kill cancer cells and untangle the tau tangles of alzheimer's. it won't cure diptheria, and it probably won't cure all levels and sorts of cancer, especially not by itself, but it does those specific things. meanwhile, there are lifesaving chemical-based drugs and there are also chemical-based drugs whose side effects kill. we can't judge a classification of medicine by the ignorance or the deceptiveness of its practitioners.


I agree.


I've heard several doctors complain about the way medicine is practiced. They claim eating a whole food plant based diet will cure most of the common ailments, including heart disease, diabetes, obesity, autoimmune disease, high blood pressure, and others. They say the medical community thrives on treating symptoms rather than disease.

And if not cure, at least reduce your risk of succumbing to some diseases.


Considering that drugs come from plants in the first place......... I would say that some of the homeopathic drugs and herbs are very beneficial, but which ones I don't know.


Many of these people are no better than the Psychics claims to produce results. They need more regulations and licenses to practice just like medical doctors do and the schooling to show that it really works.

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