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The ultimate irony.

sewchick57 7 Dec 13

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Aaaaaaaah! That's too funny!

godef Level 7 Dec 13, 2018

Very funny thought....Trump deserves it.


It’s just going to drag on and on!
33.56% chance that President Trump will leave office before the end of his first term
(due to impeachment, quitting etc).

This probability was generated from the betting markets

I didn't expect the odds to be even that good. Very interesting information!

The thing that most amazes me about Twump: he's such an idiot merely for the fact that he thought he could be president and not be exposed in the process for the criminal that he is.


I hate trump but I don’t really believe that Hillary really will have the last laugh especially at such a dear friends expense.

That was when Donald Twump was the Donald, not an idiot president.

@godef So becoming president is when he changed?
Because from the moment he announced his presidency we were being repeatedly told that he was the worst of the worst and his tax returns were being demanded.

He has always been this man but until 2016 this version wasn’t that public but his closest friends knew and intended to use his persona against the 16 republican candidates that would’ve spent 90% of their time attacking HRC.

So enters trump and magically they fell until he was the last one and then every single wrong he could be attached to flowed out from everywhere but he was what a certain segment thought that he was absolutely what they needed.

And the other side made their mistake by demonizing his supporters but still haven’t figured out that attempting to shame these people only incites their rebellious nature.

@48thRonin What is yr point? His supporters are white trash. They do nothing to vindicate his viability to lead the country.

@godef Exactly ?????? Great fucking job of proving my point.
I’m just saying that unless you’ve met each and everyone of them to broadstroke them with the brush of white ignorant racist is actually just the same as some of them labeling all liberals as being anti- white, Islamic, communist that want everything for free.

And they don’t have to oblige the expectations of you or anyone else but your expectations as well as way too many others are so high of a man that the vast majority of people knew that he was going to screw things up.

Just saying that two ignorances won’t ever make anyone smarter.

@48thRonin "Demonizing his supporters"? Shame on them for acting like Republicans, what were they thinking?

@48thRonin Sorry, I'm not buying it. When I say he used to be "the Donald" I meant when he was a simple idiot. The disaster began when the simple idiot became president. I had many friends who would laugh with me at his antics and raise eyes at the fraud and chicanery he constantly committed. In the last presidential election, people say they wanted change from the same old same old, but they chose Twump to be their champion??? PT Barnum famously once said there's a sucker born every minute, and in 2016 they all voted for Donald Twump.

@godef People buy lottery tickets, too-although the odds are horrendous. People see the future they WANT, more clearly than they see the mess that IS. It's a common flaw of human nature. The more disaffected you are, the more likelihood this is true of you.

The message is typically the same: Things will get better for you, folks! This is an easy sell. The government will be better, AND it will cost less! We'll all get rich!

@godef How should I put this other than guess what!? Not everyone thinks,believes,behaves,needs, or wants the same thing.
Nor is it necessary to put down or hate someone for being different.

I can’t be a conservative because I’m open minded and ironically I’ve discovered that i can’t be a liberal for the exact same reasons.
And once again apparently the only people who are entitled to have an opinion are the democrats and republicans.

Which is ridiculous when you consider that over 50% of the voting population chose neither one in the 2016 election and as far as you buying it well that’s your freedom to do so.
Believe it or not I’m not omniscient but the evidence is there that him becoming president wasn’t supposed to happen but when you antagonize nearly 2/3 of the voters and then become braggadocios in the final and pretty much tell the voters that were on the fence “ we’ve got this “ and then get mad because they felt like they didn’t need to vote well it’s the shit show that HRC and her people created and the rest of us have to deal with.

But at least Donna Brazil had the integrity to admit what they did was wrong and apologize for it.

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