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Who remembers going to privately owned grocery stores and their parents had tabs?

Shelton 8 Dec 14

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I know some of you will find this hard to believe but I ran a fruit and veg shop for a while and had a few people with tabs, though no idea if the ever paid them up or not. I was only running the place as a front for selling other types of vegatation etc. I certainly was providing peoples 5 a day Speed coke acid weed resin. LOL


Nope, my folks did not do anything on credit.


I remember privately owned grocery stores. But they were all cash or check only.


Cagle's Corner Grocery


I remember privately owned grocery stores, but no tab.


I've heard of them but I don't think we had any stores like that in our neighborhood or at least don't remember any.


We had a Mark-It-Foods where you wrote the price on the cans with a black wax pen. Then you could charge to a store account and pay the bill at the end of the month.


Not me... Only tab I know of is a credit card...

@Shelton neither was I... Lol


I worked at one in high school. Wally’s G & T Foods in downtown Paynesville, where shopping is a pleasure!

They brought your groceries out to your car. Different location and owners now but they still bring your groceries to your car ❤️❤️❤️❤️


I must be among the youngest who could possibly remember this. That store near me is still privately owned n runnin although Im not sure/doubt if he still does tabs unless he's known ya all your life maybe.


I remember the milkman. In Canada we got milk in bags not cartons way back when.

Didn't the bags get soggy and fall apart?


I had a bodega downstairs from me in the 90's that did for me. It was a lifesaver.
Until a relative started adding on to my tab.


We had a local drug store that was that way if you wanted to run store credit. We didn't but others did.


My father owned a grocery store...we called it the Tick Book. They got their goods on “tick” and came in to pay when they got paid. Only thing was, some of them didn’t!

@Shelton Yes too kind at times, and some people exploited that. Better that though than the opposite.

@CoastRiderBill was tight, I’m talking about the 1950s, it was that or starving for days at a time for some. My Dad was too softhearted to turn people away.

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