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Why Spelling Is Important...

This little girl accidentally addressed her Christmas letter asking for a puppy to Satan instead of Santa.

Pay attention in school, kids!

Jnei 8 Dec 14

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Yor rite, spelin iz importent an itz so mutch eezee-er wiv a spillchocker 🙂


I really should ask Satan for more stuff.

@Lucifer..... Just sayin'

@RavenCT you'd think he'd hook me up. I wonder if "ask and it shall be given unto you" applies to him as well.

@Mofferatu I give knowledge and skepticism. That's it. If you want more than that, we'll have to make a deal. I don't trade for souls, as they don't exist, and I don't do favors as humans are notoriously untrustworthy. Of course there will be a legally binding contract involved. No need to sign in blood, as that is unsanitary (blood borne pathogens are gross), blue, black, or red ink will suffice. Backing out of the deal will be considered breech of contract and will result in a 50% of net worth forfeiture and payment of all filing fees, court fees, and taxes associated with the transaction plus full payment for all services rendered on or before the date of breech. Renegotiations are acceptable, but must be filed in writing no less than two weeks prior to any actual expected changes are to take effect.

@Lucifer This is not the Satan I know. Seems way too rational and level headed to me.

@Lucifer the Satan I know chases people screaming "burn in hell mofo!".
Or maybe I'm confusing him with god.
Oh yeah, it's god.

@Mofferatu I hear that all the time. Funny thing is God and Satan, though both men, look almost nothing alike, but are constantly being confused. I, on the other hand, look nothing at all like either of them.


To be fair..Whose gona mess with the girl walking that dog?


Maybe it wasn't a mistake... Hell hounds can be loyal companions. 😛

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