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A rare event - for me.
I actually got this rather strong urge to check out the local UU meeting house tomorrow. I'd gone to this one years ago, when they were much smaller - but the congregation changed over time, and it didn't feel right anymore. Now that time has passed, I'll go test the waters ... I will report back manana ...

Anyone else try out UU's ? (Unitarian Universalists)
How did it go for you ?

evergreen 8 Dec 15

Enjoy being online again!

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I attend a UU church, occasionally. Fortunately there's no god to punish me for not going more often! 😉

Great community of like-minded friends.


What do they do? Is it just a big social gathering? Do they sing?

Most meeting houses follow a defined structure. Chalice lighting, readings, secular hymns, a leader talks on a planned subject - then opens for discussion, mediation moment, and when it's over - refreshments and chat - if you want. About an hour long.

@evergreen Interesting. Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions evergreen. It got me to read up on it on the wiki-p.

@beenthere You're welcome. You'll find every meeting house is different , depending on the people, the building, the leaders etc. The trick is finding one that resonates with you - kind of like seeking a mate !


I used to be an UU. Two of my kids consider themselves UU's. My math prof son is an atheist who never wanted anything to do with any church of any kind. The UU's have great sex class; so much better than any school. I stopped going so my ex could go. Now I don't go because I'm embarrassed - they had her arrested.
Anyway, most have mixed beliefs from Wicca to multiple religions to atheist to agnostic to anyone willing to accept anyone.


I know several people who go to UU and their pretty cool . I just don't like large groups of people other wise I'd check them out .


UU's seemed okay to me. I think of them as more of a social club than a church.


I love the UU's. If there were one in my town, I would go regularly. But the nearest one is too far away. When I lived in Idaho I was active in their UU. Great fellowship, no mythology, a high regard for science, facts and evidence, and good guidance for living a better, happier life.


Never been but my sister is one & it sounds like they do some good work in the community. I'll be interested to hear what you report back. I wonder if there is a sermon & singing?

Carin Level 8 Dec 15, 2018
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