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It is your duty as an American citizen

HippieChick58 9 Dec 16

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It requires a vote not to destroy the country and it was lacking last Nov or we would have won the Senate.


To whom?... Big Pharma, our charming politicians, Wall Street....and to what end?

What a lot of pandering garbage.

cava Level 7 Dec 17, 2018



Not after trump.... american citizen is dead... extinct

There is a resistance against Trump and his cronies. Now is the time to stand up and demand the truth.

@SageDave Indeed and the Difficulty of the Only Two Valid Options... Impeach or Indictment. I go for Both... One behind the other.

@GipsyOfNewSpain Actually, I do not want impeachment. /That would make Pence president and we WILL become a theocratic nation.

@SageDave Maybe that is what ameriKKKa Deserves... Have No Fear and Enjoy The Show!


I do.


With the addendum: except republicans.

It is their duty, they are just shirking it right now.


Real Americans believe that. And trumpanzees believe, it's their duty to "rough them up".


Damned right!!!

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