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Who believes in the supernatural? Do you believe we each have our own spirit? Finally what happens when we die?

KarlWright 4 Dec 24

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I've often wondered about mediums and have personally had some very surreal experiences (without mediums). In the end, IMHO, all we really know is that this may be all there is and we get to find out more when the time comes. To me, it is the next great adventure. I am at peace with that and it has allowed me to move beyond the fear and greed that draws people into organized religion.


i do not believe in the supernatural. i believe in the natural.

i do not believe in the spirit as a thing. we can talk about it as in "she has real spirit" or "he gave a spirited speech" or "we have team spirit" but as in ghosts, souls, all that? no.

when we die, we decompose. the consciousness that we identify as our selves stops existing because it is generated by the brain and the brain stops functioning when we die.



I genuinely believe that our energy never dies, so therefore; we will never completey die.

Could I prove it to you? Yes. I was once stardust before turning into a human being and I'll turn back into stardust in the end and be recycled back somewhere into the universe like before. It's called EVOLUTION!

There are things that Science and Religion can't explain.

I don't have the answers to everything, but I know what I've been through and what I have seen.

Ya I believe you I am made up of atoms from the big bang


There is no supernatural. How can I throw away god and believe in the supernatural? Do we each have our own spirit? Yes, YOU are your own spirit. It's nothing that exists separate from you in any way. What happens when you die? That's easy. You are dead.


IMO there’s no such thing as the supernatural. There is however the aspect of nature that is hidden from us because of the limits of our human model of reality. It is the model of matter moving in space and time, and it is nothing but an illusion that helps us survive by organizing sensory input. Beyond that illusion is ultimate reality or Universal Consciousness.

I don’t much cotton to the soul concept. Who or what is it that is supposed to be having a soul. It would be more accurate to say that we are extensions of universal soul, and that, in a sort of dream-state, we are temporarily associated with a body.

IMO “we” are in heaven all the time, right now and always. We are not our bodies—we were not born and we will not die.


I think the super natural things are vibrations that are hard for us to detect for some reason.


I don't believe in anything supernatural. I don't use the word spirit even in the poetic sense because I don't want to ever give the impression that I believe in anything like a soul. I often wish there were an afterlife - I'd kinda like to haunt people or skulk around as a ghost - but i don't believe anything like that is possible.


Your body's organ systems shut down and the matter decomposes.

@Donotbelieve Ditto. ?


Well, we know what happens to us when someone a loved one dies. We grieve, mourn the loss, see traces, remnants of them everywhere, hear their voice in situations that would just picture how they would react to, cry some more, talk to them because we miss them so much, yell at them for leaving us, wonder if we'll ever see them again, cry some more. For the rest of our lives, their voices go with us, buried deep in our memories and sometimes we can almost hear them out loud...

But we have no idea what's happened to them. Only that they were right here, and in the snap of a finger, they're gone.

@Benthoven I love your response. Best one here. It's not arrogant and cold. Very beautiful.


Not I.
If Spirit is Breath, then yes, we all breathe our own breaths. If Spirit is a ghost or an other dimensional being that survives the death of the body, then absolutely NOT!
The only things that 'happen', happen to the still living. Nothing happens to the person ('who' they were) because they no longer exist. 'What' they were (the body) will rot into dust or be burned to ashes.

"What I believe" -Bertrand Russell's declaration, in his 1925 essay.
"I believe that when I die I shall rot, and nothing of my ego will survive. I am not young and I love life. But I should scorn to shiver with terror at the thought of annihilation. Happiness is nonetheless true happiness because it must come to an end, nor do thought and love lose their value because they are not everlasting. Many a man has borne himself proudly on the scaffold; surely the same pride should reach us to think truly about man's place in the world. Even if the open windows of science at first make us shiver after the cozy indoor warmth of traditional humanizing myths, in the end the fresh air brings vigour, and the great spaces have a splendour of their own."


No &
We rot

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